Monday, October 31, 2005


These are the pictures that I have now of Halloween.  The other camera has a lot more on it.  But they won't load onto my computer.  So, I am going to have to get them put on a CD and load them that way.  So for now this is all I got.  So yall enjoy.  Oh, Jon Kent really racked up on his Halloween outing.  He got a toy truck at his Granny's and PawPaw's, a key chain/alarm and play cell phone at his Mimi's and Papa's, and a ball slide type toy at his Gramsie's and Poohba's.  He will have a load of fun tomorrow when he gets to play with them.  He is in the bed now knocked out!  Anyway, it was a good night!  I can't wait to show yall ALL the pictures!!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!!  I hope everyone has a good one!!  I will be sure to take a lot of pictures of my little man to share with yall.  This is his first Halloween, so we are going to all the family tonight.  Have a great day everyone!!


Saturday, October 29, 2005

Football Saturday

War Eagle!!

Anyway, I love Saturdays!!  Especially when Kent is off of work!  Woohoo!!  We are currently watching Auburn play Ole Miss.  Which right now Auburn is winning!  Go Tigers!!  Jon Kent is currently taking nap- - - IN HIS CRIB!!!!!  Woohoo!!  My house is clean, the weather is nice, I have a crock pot of stew cooking, and it is a BEAUTIFUL day outside (yeah I know I have already mentioned it...but it was worth repeating).  Today has been a good day thus far.  Jon Kent woke up at 6:30am after going to bed at 8pm the night before- - -on his own.  Once he woke up, I changed his diaper and brought him back to bed with me.  He slept until 8am on the dot.  We all got up and had breakfast.  Kent went off to a men's conference that our church was having at 9am.  While he was gone, Jon Kent and I played.  Then Gramsie (my momma) came by and visited for a little bit.  After she left it was getting close to 11am, so I figured I better start the stew.  While preparing that, Kent came home from the conference.  He took Jon Kent outside for a little bit while I finished up cooking.  Around 12pm Jon Kent finally got tired enough for a nap.  So I rocked him and he went to sleep.  As I was carrying him to his crib he woke up for like a split second and cried out.  But I told him it was "OK" and he went right back to sleep.  He is still in there as I type, so I am hoping he stays that way for at least another hour.  We'll see!!  As for the rest of the day, we don't have anything planned.  Just watching football all day and eating stew (can you tell I am excited about the stew?).  The stew is a new recipe that I found on someone else's journal.  I am giving it a shot.  It smells good if that counts for something...  I do need to run by Wal-Mart and pick up some pictures we had developed- - -last week.  And they still haven't returned them yet.  I am hoping they haven't lost them!  I also need to pick up some more cameras to have when Zoey is born.  Go ahead and pack them up so we know we have them.  Anyway, I guess that is my Saturday.  I hope yall are having a good one too!!!

Friday, October 28, 2005

A little preview

We put Jon Kent in his Halloween costume today.  Just to see how he would like it and react to it.  It was pretty amusing to say the least!  LOL  I am still giggling to myself...

Yall enjoy!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

35 weeks and counting

Today marks 35 weeks of pregnancy for me.  Only 5 more to go.  Woohoo!  It is getting closer and closer.  Even though I would really like to get it all over with right here and right now, I know that 5 more weeks of cooking will do her good.  And give me time to get things completely ready for her.  Not to mention, celebrate Jon Kent's first birthday which is in 20 days.  I would also like to have his birthday party without any contractions or breaking of  I would seriously feel horrible if I were in the hospital on his birthday party day (12th) or on his birthday (15th).  So, anytime after the 15th is good.  Although the 30th would be fine too.  Just as long as she is healthy and the labor is as easy as it was with Jon Kent!  LOL

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


It has been an alright day.  Nothing major to really talk about.  We all got up at 7:30am.  Ate breakfast and either watched TV or played in the floor.  Jon Kent started getting sleepy around 10:30am or so, so he had a bottle and took a nap.  Or actually we both took a nap.  We slept til 1pm.  I love being able to snuggle with him and get some bonus rest all at the same time.  But there is a lot of things I could do during that time as well.  The house is starting to lose it's "shine".  Since the cats have "moved out", I don't find myself cleaning as much.  Which is a good thing, because I really don't have to clean as often.  But I always just tell myself, "well it doesn't LOOK dirty, so it can wait until tomorrow".  Well, then tomorrow comes and goes and it still doesn't get done.  I end up getting frustrated at myself at the end of the day.  I am hoping he will start sleeping on his own soon.  I don't mind rocking him to sleep.  Just as long as he would stay that way.  Which he won't.  At least not right now. 

After Kent left for work, Jon Kent and I played for a bit and then headed into town.  Bills needed to be paid and I need a MUCH needed bra run to Wal-Mart.  I bought two bras while there and I am just hoping they fit right.  Also, I picked up another pack of diapers for Zoey and a head support thing for her car seat.  It was a nice little get away from the house.  I need more of those.  I swear I look at these same walls day after day after day.  And after awhile it gets old.

After the trip to town we came home and Jon Kent took about a 45 minute nap.  I sat there with him in my arms and watched the news.  He woke up and had supper.  Then I ate some supper as well.  Then we both sat in the floor and played for awhile.  Once I thought Jon Kent was playing well on his own, I got up to go wash dishes.  And would you believe...the little munchkin wouldn't play with me that whole time, but as soon as I get up to go wash dishes, his whole world falls apart.  LOL  So I then washed dishes with an extra weight on my right leg.  *sigh*  And it was a FULL sink to boot!  Oh well.  It got done and we both survived.

We then played for about another hour or so and then it was Jon Kent's bath time.  So we picked up all his toys and got his bed ready.  While the water was running for his bath I warmed up a bottle for him and turned the heaters in the house on (which are about to give me a nervous breakdown because I have to watch Jon Kent like a HAWK because he is attracted to the flame...just like his daddy....likes fire.).  He then got his bath and got his PJs on.  We had his bottle and I took him to his bed.  He cried longer tonight than usual.  But he finally gave it up.

I now sit alone...  I have read all my email, checked all my regular journal, and looked up all the sites I wanted to look up...  I could clean now, but it can wait until tomorrow....

Monday, October 24, 2005

Just another October day

The weather here is chilly.  But it is sooo nice.  The skies are clear and blue.  There is a nice breeze.  The leaves are falling.  It's just perfect!  I really love this type of weather.  It would be better if Jon Kent didn't have a cold and I could actually take him out and let him play in the leaves.  Hopefully he will be feeling better soon and we can get out while the weather is still nice.  It's supposed to be in the upper 50s to mid 60s all week.  Woohoo!!  Well, that is all for today.  Enjoy the pictures.  I thought he looked cute all bundled up.  LOL

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I honestly don't even know what to write right now.  I just felt the urge to add an entry into my journal.  Right now I feel sooo, how do I put it...*blah*.  I have noticed that none of my clothes fit, my face is looking fat, my fingers are swollen, my toes are swollen, my hips are the size of Texas, and oddly enough my butt actually pokes out (if you know me, you know that last one is a good thing...).  Anyway, I just feel ugly.  There is not an ounce of good self esteem in me.  I know I said that I wanted to wait as long as possible (and I'll probably eat my words later on) before Zoey made her appearance but I am so tired of being pregnant.  I mean think about it.  Starting in June of 2003--I was pregnant until August, lost the baby and got pregnant again in November.  Lost the baby in December.  Got pregnant in Feb. of 2004 and had Jon Kent in Nov. 04.  Got pregnant again in March of 2005 and will probably have Zoey in Nov. 2005.  So if you add all those months up I have been pregnant roughly 21 months.  TWENTY ONE MONTHS!!!!!!  I am grateful that God has given me a healthy boy and hopefully a healthy girl.  I know that there are people out there who can't have babies or are in the middle of a trying time of infertility (I have been there).  And it's taking me a lot to even write this because I hate to sound or seem like I am not grateful.  But I am just sooo tired of being pregnant.  I just want my body back.  I just want to be able to put my socks and shoes on without turning blue.  I want to be able to get in the floor and play with Jon Kent without hurting when I get back up.  I want to feel attractive again.  I want to fit in clothes that couldn't be used as a tent in a pinch.  I am in such a mood tonight I guess.  I'm just overwhelmed.  I'll be better soon I am sure.  It just seems like right now things just stink...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Dananananana BATMAN Dananananana


Kent is currently watching the movie that just came out about Batman.  Woohoo...  I have no interest in it at all.  I never was one for all the hero movies or shows.  Kent however...oy!  He likes it all...Superman, Batman, Teen Titans, anything superhero related.  Some boys never grow up!  ;oP

Anyway, today was a pretty good day.  Jon Kent slept until 6:30am.  I changed his diaper and then brought him back into the bed with us.  He slept until 8am.  He didn't wake up once all night long.  Which I was truly thankful for.  I don't even think I heard him grunt or anything.  I guess he was really out of it from his long day of sickness.  He woke up this morning feel MUCH better.  We still took him to his doctor's appointment this morning.  The doctor said that Jon Kent has an upper respiratory infection.  And his ears were really red on the inside.  So he gave us a round of antibiotics and told us to come back in two weeks.  But Jon Kent seems to be doing just fine.  He only took one nap today and has played all day long.  He has been in the best mood!  I hope he sleeps well again tonight.  So far he is.

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be a lot cooler.  Which I am really thankful for.  For the next 7 days or so the weather is supposed to be in the 60s.  WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!  I can't wait!!  Maybe some of my puffiness will go down.  My fingers and toes are really puffy.  Only 6 more weeks...only 6 more weeks...

Well, I better go.  Although I really don't have anything to do...  Except watch the Batman movie...  And that doesn't sound like much fun...

Night all!!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

He is feeling better

YAY!!  Jon Kent IS feeling better.  Or atleast he isn't attached to my leg or lap at all times.  Which I secretly did enjoy while it lasted...  Anyway, he has been playing a lot more since we got home and he seems fine--except for the runny nose, coughing, and sneezing.  We gave him his first dose of medicine before he went to bed.  Hopefully, he will wake up feeling a lot better.  And soon we will have all this sickness behind us.  I for one will be glad to see it gone!!

In house news, things are coming along.  They poured the concrete as you can see in the pictures and put up the temporary pole for the power to be hooked up.  Hopefully once that is hooked up they will start framing up the house.

I had my OB appointment.  My doctor checked me just to make sure things weren't progressing yet.  And they weren't.  Thankfully!  She told me just to keep an eye on things, because things could happen more quickly this time around--since it has only been 11 months since I have given birth.  I still say Nov. 23rd.  We'll see.  Anyway, that is all for today.  Enjoy the pictures!!

Jon Kent update

We'll see how far I get with this entry.  Jon Kent is having a rare moment of not being attached to my leg so I'll get in as much of an update as I can.  Jon Kent is still sick.  So yesterday we put in a call to his doctor.  But I guess we called too late.  So, we left a message for them to call us first thing this morning and set up an appointment.  Well, this morning we got up and I was getting ready for my OB appointment that I had at 8:45am.  It was about 6:30am at this point.  Well, Jon Kent got up and he was coughing and coughing and coughing.  He then starts to throw up repeatedly.  Which was actually good because he was throwing up mucus.  But at the same time it was like he just couldn't stop.  So we took him to the ER.  They said he has "some sort of virus".  They gave us a RX and told us to follow up with Jon Kent's doctor tomorrow.  They also put him on a liquid diet for the next 24 hours.  He isn't eating much.  He took about 4-5oz of his bottle and will not drink any types of juice (pedilyte(sp?), liquidlyte(sp?), etc).  I guess he doesn't like the taste.  I guess I will just give him water (which he likes).  He doesn't have a fever and the doctor in the ER said his lungs sounded clear.  Which was what I was most worried about.  Hopefully my little man will feel better soon.  I called my OB doctor and pushed my appointment back until 2pm.  So I need to go and start getting ready for that.  It's an hour drive from my house, so I best get going.  Talk with yall later!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

One of those nights

Jon Kent caught a cold from some where and started sounding stopped up yesterday.  Well, by the time bedtime rolled around he was coughing, his nose was running, and he was sneezing all over the place.  We gave him a bath and some medicine before he went to bed.  Around 1:30am he woke up and was crying.  I usually will let him cry for a few minutes just to make sure he really is up.  8 out of 10 times he will go back to sleep.  Well, last night he didn't.  So, I went in there and got him and brought him back into the bed with me.  After laying there for about 10 or 15 minutes I starting feeling sick myself.  Except, mine wasn't a cold.  I felt like I was going to throw up.  My whole body got really hot.  So, I got up which of course woke Jon Kent up and he starts crying.  So I go to the bathroom.  After thinking I felt better, I was going to go back to bed.  But Kent and Jon Kent were in the living room watching TV, because Jon Kent wouldn't go back to bed.  So, I got Jon Kent and told Kent to go to bed since he had to go into work at 7:30am.  Jon Kent and I watched some TV until he drifted off to sleep.  As soon as I stood up to take Jon Kent to his bed, his little eyes popped open and he was crying.  I at the same time started feeling sick again.  So, I had no choice but to just turn Jon Kent's mobile on and hope that he would fall back to sleep.  Which he did.  After feeling a lot better after by bathroom visit, I went back to bed.  It was around 2:45am at this point.  Well, I start having contractions.  And these weren't braxton hicks.  These HURT!  I am thinking to myself, "OK, these are just false labor pains.  They will go away in a few minutes."  Meanwhile, I go in to check on Jon Kent because I thought he was asleep.  WRONG!  As soon as my foot stepped into his room, his floor popped and his little head pops up.  So back into the living room we go.  He goes to sleep and I take him back to his bed.  Well, now it's around 3:15ish am.  I am still having contractions.  At that point I start to panic a little bit.  Not so much about the contractions, but the fact that I am no where near prepared for Zoey to come.  None of her clothes are washed.  I don't have her bed set up.  I don't have all the baby things gathered and organized.  I was just a ball of panic at that point.  Around 4:30am I finally fall asleep.  I was just hoping that when I did wake up, that I didn't wake up to my water breaking.  At 6:30am I wake up to Jon Kent crying.  So, I go into his room and get him and bring him back into the bed with me.  The poor little man is stuffed completely up and coughing.  He laid in the bed with me and fell asleep, but I couldn't because he was breathing so funny.  Around 7:15am Kent comes in there and kisses me bye as he was leaving for work.  Jon Kent was awake and ready to get up.  So we did.  I fed him breakfast and then ate some thing myself.  From 8:45-10:45 this morning, Jon Kent was in my lap.  Which he never does.  He rather be in the floor playing or getting into something.  But he was either watching TV in a little daze or asleep.  He actually only slept like 30 mins during that time because he would cough and wake himself up.  The poor little guy was just out of it.  He started feeling better around 11am or so.  So he took a bottle and we played and watched the news.  Around 12pm he got sleepy again so he took about an hour long nap that time.  He still woke up a few times because he couldn't breathe with his paci in his mouth.  Around 1pm he ate a little bit of lunch but not a lot.  He kept coughing and making himself gag.  And that pretty much brings us to the present.  I still have all my chores left to do and I need to take a shower.  I feel like I am covered in germs (which I probably am).  So, on that note, I will leave.  Have a great Wednesday everyone!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Oy!!  What a day!  Scratch that...what a last few days!!  Kent has been working the day shift (7:30am-4pm) since Sunday.  Normally I wouldn't mind that shift at all, but right now it's really, really hard on me.  I have Jon Kent all day by myself.  And that may not seem like a lot, but that little man is a hand full!!  He has gotten into this phase where he will not go into his crib for naps.  He just won't.  I have tried every trick in the book.  I will rock him to sleep and then try to put him in his crib.  But as soon as his little butt hits the mattress his eyes pop open and he SCREAMS!  I tried just letting him cry.  Well, he cried for 20 minutes and wouldn't give in.  So, I end up just holding him while he sleeps.  Which to many may not seem like much of a problem.  But Zoey is due in 6 weeks.  How am I supposed to hold two babies at once while they both sleep?  Or what if Zoey needs feeding and Jon Kent needs to take a nap?  How am I supposed to pull that off?  Jon Kent does fine going to sleep on his own at night.  I will give him his bottle and then after he is finished I will carry him into his room and lay him in his crib.  He will cry/whine for about a minute then he is asleep and usually sleeps until 6 the next morning.  I don't know what it is with his nap times though.  I am at the end of my rope with it too.  I just don't have any other ideas left.  I think I have tried EVERYTHING.  It's really frustrating.  Like I am not doing something right.  I used to be able to get some things done while Jon Kent took his, washing, folding, ironing, quiet time, paperwork, etc.  But all that is put off until he is either playing by himself (which is rare) or up at his Granny's house.  Which is where he is at now.  I tell ya...being a parent is some seriously hard work!!  Who knew!?!!?  ;0)

On a lighter note: Kent, myself, and probably Jon Kent are going to go get his invitations for his Birthday party tonight.  We are going to try and get them sent out by the weekend.  That will give everyone roughly two weeks notice.  I think that is enough time...right?  The last of Jon Kent's presents from his mommy and daddy came in today.  We bought him a Tonka Truck, a Leapfrog "Tadpole", and a "Grow to Pro Basketball" goal.  ToysRUs was having a really good sale and we got all of that for like $65.  The UPS man brought his goal today and thankfully Jon Kent doesn't understand Birthdays or presents yet.  Or the UPS would have ruined the surprise!

In house news:  They were supposed to start framing the house yesterday.  But as of today, they still haven't been up there.  Which honestly didn't surprise me.  But I do which that they wouldn't say they are going to do something and then not do it.  I rather them just tell me they may or might start on such and such day than to just flat out lie.  Maybe tomorrow...

Well, I am off.  I got all my chores done with so now I guess I will hop in the shower.  Yall have a great Tuesday...or what is left of it!!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Saturday mumble...

Kent called me last night around 8:30pm or so and told me that he was asked to work a double shift.  He was already working from 4pm-12am, so that meant he would be working from 12-8am also.  It has been a loooonnnggggg time since Kent has worked a morning shift.  But since it meant he would be off all day today, I'm was fine (but not happy) about it.  Jon Kent was staying over at my parent's house anyway, so I just stayed home and watched TV.  Around 1am I got sleepy, so I went to bed.  I slept OK, but not wonderfully.  It's hard to sleep once you are used to someone being right there beside you.  Anyway, Kent is home now--in the bed asleep.  I am to wake him up at 1pm so he can get dressed and wait for the furniture people to come and deliver our sectional.

Today is a Baby Shower for Zoey!!  A friend of mine is throwing it for me.  I really wasn't expecting a shower since Zoey is my second child and it hasn't been a year since I had my first.  But, my friend thought (and so did I) that with Zoey being a girl, that I did need some girl stuff.  Because right now all I have is blue in every shade.  The shower starts at 2pm.  I'm hoping there is a good turn out.

Well, I am off to find something to eat.  I haven't had breakfast yet.  I'll talk with yall later!  Have a great Saturday everyone!!

Friday, October 14, 2005


Well, the foundation to the house is done!  Woohoo!!  They were 30 blocks short after finishing up yesterday so they ordered some more and came out today and finished it up.  The framers are suppose to start working Monday!  I hope they keep to their word.  Here are some pictures that I took of it today.  Before the 30 blocks where finished up.  But it really doesn't make that much of a difference.  Enjoy!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Everybody else is doin' it"

I am sure you can go to many of the journals in my "other journals" section and you will run into this same type entry.  It's actually pretty amusing.  Here is what you do:  Go to Google and type in your name and the word is in quotations (ex: "Emily is").  And see what comes up.  Here are the top 10 for me:

EMILY is every young professional who’s been told to wait her turn--ain't that the truth...

Emily Is a Flower Girl--I was a flower girl several times when I was younger.

Emily is nation’s young poet of the year--who knew I was so talented???

Emily is a slight 13-year-old, of exceptionally pale complexion--They got the pale complexion part by 9 years on the 13 year old part though...

Emily is currently away from land.--I am??  And here I thought I was sitting at my computer...

emily is dressed in black bombazine--What is a bombazine???  Is it sweat pants and a t-shirt??

Emily is possessed by six demons--Sorry this one made me giggle...

Emily is strange--Many seem to think so...

Emily is one the greatest contributers to the american life--And don't you forget it!!

Emily is trapped in the world of the past--Yup, that about sums it up!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Building blocks

Well, they came back today to lay the blocks of the foundation.  YIPPIE!!!!  They were there from 7am-4pm.  They said they would probably be back tomorrow to finish up the blocks.  It is so exciting to see all the planning finally be put into action!!  Can I get a woohoo!!!!???!!!!???

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh you shouldn't have...

Well, maybe the contractors read my journal.  Reason being is because as soon as I wrote the last entry, I went outside to swing with Jon Kent.  After being out there for about 15 or 20 minutes I saw a truck go by with a load of center blocks on it.  It drove right past where they are building the new house.  I thought they were going to somebody else's house.  Anyway, about 10 minutes later I hear them at the new house unloading.  I got pretty excited thinking they were going to start blocking in the foundation.  Well, all they did was drop the load off.  I guess (more like hoping) that they builders will be there tomorrow putting it all together.  I'm not going to hold my breath though....

Where is my house??


It has been a week since the contractors have worked on my new house.  They came by last Tuesday and put up some corner boards and some string.  Big woohoo.  I honestly figured they would be out there today putting in the foundation blocks.  But are they??  Nooooooo.  Maybe they will come out later today and start on it.  Although I seriously doubt it.  The man who we are going through said that there might be 3-4 days where no work is done.  Which I can understand because there are other houses being built.  But a whole week??  I mean really.  All they have to do is come out and put some blocks in.  OH, and last Tuesday when they were here, they only worked for like 2 hours.  They have maybe worked a whole 6 hours on the house so far.  And it has been 3 weeks!!  That is just ridiculous if you ask me!

On to another subject before I start having a hissy fit...

We went grocery shopping today.  We go every two weeks and buy what we will need for that pay period.  We usually spend around $200 or so.  But we got out of there only spending around $150 and I actually think we came out with more "useful" stuff this time around.  Not all that junk we usually buy.  Although there was still some "junk" hidden amongst the bags.  We also went and rented two movies from Blockbuster.  We still have a gift card from there that we got for Christmas I think.  And we got a great deal while we were there.  Or actually Kent did--Jon Kent and I were sitting in the car.  Since we went so early in the morning, the lady hadn't had time to change the codes in the computer, so we got two new release rentals for $2.99 instead of like $3.99.  And we get to keep them for a whole week instead of just two days.  Pretty impressive, uh!  LOL--yeah I need a more exciting life.  Anyway, I was proud.  The two movies we got were "Kicking and Screaming" and "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants".

Well, I am off to nap or clean or something.  The boys are napping as I speak--err type, so I may just join them.  Yall have a great day!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

It's Monday

Well, here it is Monday once again.  Today Jon Kent had an ear doctor appointment at 9am.  The doctor's office is an hour from where we live, so we had to leave the house around 7:45am.  Surprisingly, I got up at 6:45am, took a shower, fixed my hair, and got dressed before ever waking Jon Kent up.  And I HAD to wake him up.  It was 7:30am when I finally went in there and woke him up and he wasn't too thrilled about it (now he knows how we feel at 3am-LOL).  But he got over it once he realized his "Ba-Ba" (bottle) was waiting on him.  After getting him dressed and feeding him, we were out the door a little before 7:45am.  The appointment went well.  The doctor said that Jon Kent's ears were both looking good and that both tubes are still in.  Which is great.  The longer they stay in, the better.  We go back in 3 months for another check up.  After the appointment we came home.  We played, I washed some clothes, and then we both took a nap.  I am still washing clothes even now and Jon Kent went next door to see his Granny and Pawpaw.

I still have a lot to do before Kent gets home (he gets home in about 20 minutes-LOL).  I still need to sweep and mop the floors, finish the laundry, take out the trash, and prepare supper.  We are having Boston Butt and fries.  I am just feeling lazy.  The trip to the doctor wore me out!

Well, I need to go and get my butt in gear.  I'll talk with yall later!  Enjoy the rest of your Monday!!

Saturday, October 8, 2005

It's a wee bit chilly out there...

The weather finally seems to be changing from summer into fall.  It's was rainy all day yesterday and now it's a crisp Fall morning outside.  When I woke up this morning around 6:30am to get Jon Kent out of his crib and into our bed (he does it every morning now), I realized that it was cooler in the house than I thought.  When we all finally woke up around 7:30am the temp outside was around 63 degrees.  I would put up my windows, but I am waiting for it to warm up a little bit more.  Plus, when I think about putting the windows up it reminds me of the cats...which that is another story.

I have really been missing the cats.  More so than I thought I would.  I still swear sometimes that I hear them knocking around in one of the rooms.  Only for it to really be the house "popping or settling".  Kacie would always steal my ponytail holders during the night.  It didn't matter where I put it, she would always have it in the morning playing with it.  Well, now I put it on my nightstand and it is still there when I get up in the morning--which makes me sad some times.  I miss the company I always had in the mornings with Sammie as I would check my email.  She would always sit in the chair next to me and sleep.  I don't miss the fur balls left for me in the hallway, I don't miss having to sweep twice a day to keep their litter or cat food, that they spread all over the kitchen, off my feet.  I don't miss the flying fur every where every time I cleaned or tried to dust.  But in the end I DO miss my girlies.  *sigh*  I hope they are being taken care of and are enjoying their new home...

Well, I have clothes to fold and maybe a bathroom to clean.  I haven't decided yet if I will clean today.  I cleaned all day yesterday and got all my Fall Cleaning done except for the bathroom and mopping the floors.  I might get to it later, I might not.  Have a great Saturday everyone!!

Thursday, October 6, 2005

My appointment

I had my 32 week appointment today.  Nothing too special really happened.  I was weighed (6 more pounds added on...grrr), had to tinkle in a cup, had my blood pressure taken, listened to Zoey's heartbeat (132bpm), got my stomach measured (measuring right now), and was out of there.  I go back in two weeks.

Kent and I also went and looked at living room furniture.  We ended up getting a sage green sectional.  Haverty's (I don't know if everyone is familiar with them or not) was having a tent sell.  This sectional just happened to be in that tent sale and it was originally $1200 and we got it for $697.  We were one of the first customers of the day, so we got a great deal.  The sectional was used as a floor model, that's why we got it so cheap.  Nothing is wrong with it.  We looked it over and made sure.  They are delivering it on the 15th.

Well, I am going to go.  I have been sooo lazy today, so I am going to go be lazy some more.  No sense in being productive this late in the day...

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

32 weeks pregnant

Since I am procrastinating...AGAIN...I thought I would show yall my 32 weeks belly pictures that I took today.  Tomorrow, I have a doctor's appointment at 8:45am.  It should be an in and out appointment.  Hopefully everything will check out fine and I won't have gained TOO much weight....

In other news, I did end up finishing my cleaning.  At least of all the closets in the house.  And I went ahead and "Fall Cleaned" my bedroom.  I am about to go and do Jon Kent's bedroom.  But yet again...procrastinating...

OK, I am going now!  Enjoy the pictures!!


I really should be cleaning out closets and what not around the house, but I am procrastinating.  Kent and I have already done the bedroom closet and all our drawers.  We cleaned under the bed and we cleaned out all the Rubbermaid boxes that were under the bed.  I then vacuumed and put everything back.  Then we cleaned out the hall closet.  After that we cleaned out Jon Kent's bedroom closet and all his drawers.  I cleaned out from under his crib as well.  Finally, I cleaned out the bathroom medicine cabinet, under the sink, and all the shelves in bathroom.  BLAH--I still have the living room coat closet, the entertainment unit, all the shelves in the living room, under the couch, and under the end table (magazines and such).  I have to clean out the "wash closet"(where the washer and dryer are located), the pantry, and the kitchen cabinets.  There is still a lot to go through and sort.  I REALLY don't want to do anymore, but while I have some free time I really need to get to it.  Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment pretty early and then we are going furniture shopping, so I won't have time to do much if anything tomorrow.  Friday I plan to "Fall Clean" the house.  We'll see if I actually do it though--lol.  Anyway, I guess I better get back to it.  Procrastinating is much more fun though...

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

And to top it off...

And the giggles keep coming..*sarcasm*

Jon Kent is sick.  Fever of 101 and throwing up.  UGH!!!!  What is up with today?!!?!  I'm glad it's almost over!!

NOT a good day...

We put an ad in the paper Friday to give away our two cats.  They are both female, fixed, and litter trained.  The ad ran through Sunday.  We figured we would have a lot of people call us.  But we only had two.  The first lady had dogs and our cats have never been around dogs before, so that wouldn't have been a good idea.  The second lady called last night asking about them.  I told her all about them and she told me that she would come and get them today.  Immediately after hanging up the phone, I started crying.  I felt like I was just throwing my cats away.  I honestly figured that the lady wouldn't call back---well she did.  About 30 minutes ago I gave away my "furbabies".  The little girls that I have "raised" since they were both about 8 weeks old.  It was horrible.  The couple that came and got them were really nice, but you could tell they didn't know much about cats yet.  Which any first time cat owner doesn't.  But still---it was hard.  After they left I cried some more and could really cry even now.  But I am trying to see that it was for the best.  We are fixing to have another baby and there just wouldn't be enough time for the cats.  Plus, we are getting a brand new house that honestly I don't want any animals living in.  We thought about just letting them live outside, but they have been indoor cats all their lives.  That wouldn't be fair either.  So the only option was to give them away.  So we did---still doesn't make the process any easier.  It was still hard to hand both of them over to strangers.  Sammie even escaped from the box they had her in.  Poor things--one minute they are sleeping comfortably at home...the next they are in some strange place with strange people.  That makes me want to cry...

Monday, October 3, 2005

Happy October!!

I know I am a bit late with the "Happy October", but time just got away from me.  I really can't believe it's already October!  Only 2 months and 27 days until "Little Miss Zoey" is due.  Although, I'll probably go a week early or a week would just figure.

I'm currently trying to plan Jon Kent's 1st Birthday party.  I am going to go price some things later on today and see what kind of deals I can get.  LOL--Who knew ballons and paper plates could be so exspensive!?!?!  Kent and I are trying to figure out a cute "theme" for his party.  We aren't quite sure what to go with.  Although we are leaning more towards Sesame Street.  Just because they have a "First Birthday" theme.  We'll see.

Christmas is also just around the corner.  Only 82 more days! (Countdown to Christmas)  It's hard to believe that in 82 days Jon Kent will be enjoying his first "fun Christmas" (where he doesn't sleep through it), and Zoey will be experiencing her first Christmas (to which she will sleep through it).  I have no clue what to get anyone for Christmas this year.  I am sooo behind in that department.  By now, I at least have ideas of what I am going to be getting people.  I have been slacking this time around.  Oh well, it will get done I am sure!

Well, I need to go.  There are clothes that need to be folded and dishes that need to be washed.  I will talk with yall later!!  Have a great Monday!!