Friday, March 31, 2006


I had no idea it had been almost a week since I updated!!  I have just been so busy with the Kelly's Kids stuff this week and cleaning.  Not to mention Kent went back to working days (7:30am-4pm) so I have the kids all day by myself.

Tomorrow is my last party for Kelly's Kids.  Well, at least for this selling period of having the kit.  I have the kit for 12 days.  And in those 12 days I try and book as many parties as I can and sell all that I can.  So far it has gone pretty well.  I will probably need to get another kit selling period in order to meet my goal.  I am about $2000 off right now.  I have until May so we will see how it goes.

Well, I am off to bed.  I have been cleaning and getting stuff ready all day.  Not to mention getting some of Jon Kent's old clothes off to consignment to sale.  Whew, I am one tired little girl.  Thankfully Kent is off for the next 4 day!  Woot-Woot!!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

My 1st Party...Successful???

Well, I had my first party for Kelly's Kids yesterday.  It went fairly well.  My momma was the hostess.  We had 5 people to show up and I was able to sell $560 worth of clothes.  So, I guess that would be a pretty good showing.  I have another party to do Tuesday at 6pm.  I'm hoping it does pretty well.  I really do want to meet my target goal for the season ($3000).  I receive a cash bonus and gift certificate for free clothes.  If I meet my quota buster ($3500) I receive a Palm Pilot.  Not too shabby.  I still have the month of April before the season ends.  So if you would like to help me along you can always schedule a party (catalog or actual parties) and receive the hostess incentives (10% of sales in free clothes) or you can go to the web site, shop around and then put in my Rep # (111772) when asked OR you can email me your order and I can do it for you.  Yes, I am doing a shameless plug...  A girl's gotta eat (OK, maybe shop would be a better word)... 

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Spring Fling

I do believe Yesterday was the first day of Spring.  However, we are enjoying cold (well maybe not COLD but not Spring weather) weather.  I'm looking forward to the nice weather.  It will give me a chance to take Jon Kent and Zoey out and walk the trails we have around our house.  Maybe I will be able to walk a few more pounds off too.  That would be a great bonus to spending time with the kiddos.

As you all know I am selling Kelly's Kids clothing (Rep #111772).  I am having my first party Saturday.  To say I am nervous would be a BIG understatement!  I am sooo scared that 1) no one will show up 2) that I will totally bomb 3) that I won't be able to answer anyone's questions 4) that I will add up someone's order wrong and either over charge or under charge them.  I really do want to do a good job because I want this to work out for so many reasons.  I want to help out by bringing some extra $$$ into our budget.  That way we pay off the car and the only "debt" we have is the house.  I also just want to feel accomplished.  Like I have actually done something useful for my family.  I also want to make Kent proud of me.  I'm not saying he's not, but I some times feel like he does all the work and I just kind of mooch off of him.  Which I know intellectually isn't true but in my heart I feel that way.  Oh well.  I guess these are just my fears and hopefully by getting them out onto "paper" will help.

I LOVE our new house.  It still doesn't feel "real" yet but it's getting there.  I love our new bedding.  The comforter is SO cozy.  I love to get in the bed each night and throw the covers over my head and sink down into the mattress and go to sleep.  So nice.  It's a lot more house work.  And I'm finding that there is just no way to do it all in one day.  I used to be able to do that with the old house but this one takes longer and I take more proud in this house I guess that I want everything just right.  So I am trying to pan out a routine to do each day to keep the house fresh and clean.  It's a work in progress.

Speaking of works in progress- We are going to start "trying" to put Jon Kent into his own "big boy" bed starting Sunday night...or maybe Monday night.  Not sure just yet.  I'm hoping it goes smoothly.  He has been going to sleep on his own for all his naps (he takes two).  He goes to sleep on his own for the night (it just happens to be in our bed though).  I'm nervous about how he will do in his own room.  But he's got to learn sometime.  We are probably also going to start putting Zoey in her crib in her room starting next week as well.  She has been sleeping for the most part all night (6-8 hours).  If she keeps it up then she will be going to her own room.  But I am anxious about it because it seems like she (and Jon Kent too) will be so far away from me.  I'm having a harder time than I thought of letting them go.  It has to happen some time though I guess.

Well, I'm off to bed.  Talk with yall later!!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Start to Finish

Here it is folks!  Start to finish...the story of our building experience through pictures!


We still have some decorating to do...hanging curtains and such.  But it gives you the general idea!  Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Our new 'crib'

No, I do not have any pictures yet.  It's been wild since Saturday.

We are all moved in.  We have maybe 3 or 4 boxes left to unpack and then we are completely done.  It's so great to be in our new home.  We have so much space and when I clean, it actually LOOKS clean.  So nice!

Also, since we have been here Jon Kent has been sick.  Saturday night he woke up about every 45 minutes.  We didn't know it at the time, but he was running a fever.  The next day he wouldn't eat anything.  We took his temp and it was 102.  We treated him with Motrin.  He and I lai in bed all day (and I do mean ALL day).  Zoey got some quality time with her daddy and Jon Kent got to cuddle and be taken care of by me all day.  He seems to be doing better.  Still not eating much, but he is drinking pretty well so I'm not going to really worry about it too much.

Kent has been off of work for the past 4 days.  It's been nice to have him all day.  But it is going to end tomorrow.  It will be weird being in our new home and going to bed without him.  But I will manage.  He is only going back to work for a day.  Then he is taking off Thursday for our anniversary.  Four years and counting...

Oh and today is a special day in two ways.  Two years ago today we found out we were pregnant with Jon Kent.  A year ago today we conceived Zoey... Pretty weird right???  So yall must be thinking..."will there be a 3 in a row deal this March 14th?"  And that would be a 'no'.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Movin' on up...

We started moving today.  There is a lot done already but a lot still to do.  Tonight will be the last time I sleep in this house.  I'm a little sad to be honest.  This is the house I came to after my wedding.  It's the house that I brought not only Jon Kent home for the first time but Zoey too.  It's the house that I watched Jon Kent grow from a tiny baby into a handsome little boy.  He said his first word in this house, walked his first steps in this house.  Zoey smiled her first smile in this house, cooed her first coos (sp?) in this house.  This house holds so many memories.  But I know that the new house will hold just as many and probably so many more.  I'm looking forward to hearing Zoey's first words in that house, watching her walk her first steps, and watching her grow into a beautiful little girl.  Good-bye little white house.  Thanks for the memories.

Thursday, March 9, 2006

Officially in Debt...Woohoo!

Kent and I signed on the dotted line today.  We closed on our house and it is officially ours.  We will be spending the next 30 years paying it  We signed our names over and over and over and over.  I told Kent after we got out of the lawyer's office that I felt like I just signed my life away.  But it's nice to be home owners and have a place of our own now.  I can't wait to get totally moved in.  We hope to be all in by Saturday night.  Can't wait!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2006

Like Whoa

OK, let me gather my thoughts...

I told Kent last night that my brain was tired.  And boy is it.  There is so much going on right now that to even begin to try to sort it all out would be a full time job.  But I'll try just so yall can see what I am dealing with here.

Tomorrow we are closing on the house.  Yes, finally after almost 6 months of waiting and waiting, we are finally going to move into our house.  I am beyond excited.  But in order to live in that house, we have to pack the old one up.  Which means for the past few days, I have been having to live with boxes EVERYWHERE.  And if you know anything about me, know this-I am a neat freak.  Everything has to have a place.  So the fact that we have everything in a box is driving me crazy.  And the whole house isn't even packed.  There is still tons of stuff to do.  Not to mention the new house still needs to be freshened up.  The floors need to be mopped.  And the kitchen needs to be re cleaned.  And the floors all need to be vacuumed.  We do hope to be completely in by Saturday night.

OK, also I have embarked on a new business adventure.  I'm selling Kelly Kids' clothing.  Here is a link-Kelly's Kids

I am supposed to throw parties for people in their homes and all that jazz.  I am so nervous about it.  And I'm starting to think if it's really worth all the time put into it.  I am sure once I get started and really going that it will all pan out.  I just hope I do a good job and at least make some money in the process.  We aren't going to get rich from it by any means but still it would come in handy to have a little extra money.

Not to mention, raising two kids...  But that is just a norm I guess.

I think I have bitten off more than I can chew...

Monday, March 6, 2006

Wrong side

I do believe I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.  Because I have been extremely ill and my patience level is zero at the moment.  Grrr...  Kent is up at the new house installing blinds, which I would like to be up there as well cleaning, but it just didn't work out.  You know...keeping kids and all.  Zoey WAS napping but she just woke up from like a 20 minute nap.  So that means either she is going to be ill all day (must be a mother, daughter thing today) or I am going to have to hold her for her entire nap.  Which I don't want to do because that's what we used to do with Jon Kent when he was a baby and now we still have to hold him while he naps or else he won't take one.  Maybe Zoey will go back to sleep on her own.  We'll see...  I guess I'm off to piddle (is that how you spell it?) around...  No motivation to really clean this house because there are boxes every where and I just don't want to clean THIS house I want to clean my NEW one...  I digress...

Thursday, March 2, 2006

Zoey is 3 months old today

I can't believe that Zoey is 3 months old.  Well, I can but it's like it flew by.  She is already doing so much.  I don't remember Jon Kent holding his head up so well at this point or riding my hip at this age.  Which Zoey is doing.  When I put her on her tummy she holds her head up so well and is so alert.  She loves to just sit in someone's lap and watch her big brother run around the room.  It's like she is taking notes and just waiting for the time to come when she is able to walk and run about.  Oy...will I be busy then!

In other news, we have been having awesome weather here in the great state of Alabama.  Temps in the 70s with lots of sunshine.  It's the type of weather where you can turn the ceiling fans on and raise some windows.  Great weather.  Just makes me feel good.  Feel alive.  But winter isn't over I'm sure.  We usually have cold snaps until late May.  So I know there will still be plenty of nights where we turn the electric blanket on.  But I'm enjoy the nice weather while it's here.

In house news...  Grrr...  I digress...  Kent called OMEGA and they said and I quote, "We will be closing on the house next week."  HA!  Yeah right.  They told us in January that we would be in our house by the middle of February.  And then in the middle of February that we would be in the new house by the first of March.  Whatever.  It just drives me crazy that there is a completely finished house that isn't being used.  I mean really...let's close on it already!

Oh well.  We'll be in it eventually I guess.

I hope yall enjoy the pictures that I took of the babies today.  They were being so sweet and cute together.  Enjoy!