Tuesday, January 23, 2007
She won't be out done!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Potty Time
Monday, January 15, 2007
I guess it's time for an update..
Well if that's not stating the obvious..
Not a whole lot going on in the past week. Jon Kent and Zoey both seem to be over their colds. Zoey had a slight relapse for a day or two but that seems to be gone now too. They are both sleeping through the night now.. YESSSSS!!!!!!!! Zoey will wake up but usually all I have to do is pat her on the back and she will gp right back out. Zoey is also down to one nursing a day now. And that's the before bedtime feeding. So I am hoping in the next month that it too will be gone and we will be able to close that chapter in our lives. She has been doing great with the weaning though. Taking it with ease mostly. It helps that with each disappearing feeding I give her about a month to adjust before taking another one way. So it's been going well. Once she is completely weaned, I am getting on some form of birth control. We are just too fertile to risk it any other way.. lol.
Tomorrow Jon Kent goes for a hair cut. And boy does he need it. The last time we went the hair stylist didn't cut off as much as I would have liked, so this time we are making sure more comes off. He is looking pretty shaggy right now! I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning.. ::grumbles:: It's just for a cleaning, but still.. I just don't want to go.
And lastly.. lol.. Today I was on my way home from visiting with my parents. I stopped by McDonald's to grab the kids a happy meal. We were coming down this street and I was telling Zoey to wake up. She had fallen asleep and I wanted to get her awake so she could eat lunch. Anyway, I wasn't paying attention to how fast I was going and I popped over a hill and there sat a cop. I knew right then he was going to pull me over. So I turn onto the road that I live on and sure enough, he turns on his lights. I pull over and wait for him to get all my information. I then said "Well, dang". To which Jon Kent starts DYING laughing. The cop comes up to my window and gets my license and insurance info. After he goes back to his car Jon Kent's say "Peece, peece!". I said, "Yes baby that is the police." He then starts laughing and cracking up. I told him it wasn't funny...
I got off with a warning and a lecture on going the speed limit. I told him I appreciated it and then went on my way.
Monday, January 8, 2007
Nicholas Sparks
Right after Jon Kent was born I started really reading again. I guess I needed something to calm my nerves after he was born and reading did the trick. I had just seen the movie, "The Notebook" and happened across the book. It's written by Nicholas Sparks, by the way. Anyway, after reading the book I immediately picked up every book he has written (except one.. "A Walk to Remember". For some reason it never interested me). And over the course of the last two years, I have read them all, minus two (one of which is sitting waiting to be read). He is a great writer. I have loved every single one of his books. He is the only author that I have actually "followed" and wanted to read all the books they have ever written. He is just that good, at least I think so. His books are the romantic type. If you don't like sappy books then you wouldn't like him. But if you do, then you really need to pick one up and give it a read. You never can really tell how the book will end or what is going to happen next. I guess that's why most of his books only took me 2 or 3 days to finish. And that's with two kids and all that goes along with that. Anytime I had a break if only for a few minutes, I would always pick the book up just to get a few lines in. So go find one of his books and let me know what you think!
In other news, Zoey is down to two nursing sessions a day now. Once before nap time and once before bedtime. Her nightly sessions have ended.. whew! She is finally starting to sleep through the night. Which is great. Last night she slept from 8:30pm until 7:30am. I felt like a new woman! LOL I know down the road I might miss the cuddles at 2am but I also know that I will see that I nursed her for over a year and VERY few women do that. So I am proud of that accomplishment. After the horrible nursing that took place with Jon Kent it was so great to have a great nurser like Zoey. It has really been a bonding experience and it's something that I will always be proud of doing.
Well, I guess I will go. I need to wash my face and hit the hay. Talk with yall later!!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Valentine {I heart Kent}
For reasons truly unknown to me, I am looking forward to Valentine's Day. I'm actually in the *mood for Valentine's Day. And I have NO idea why. It's not like there is a 5 week 'holiday' period before that pumps you up for it. It's just one day a year where the card companies get rich off of people in love or people who want to be in love. None the less, I'm in the mood for Valentine's Day. I don't know.. maybe I'm just goofy.. Note to my daddy: No comment needed..
We took the kids to the doctor today to get their second round of the flu shot. Since it's both of their first times getting the flu shot they had to give it to them in two shots spread out over a month. Anyway, we took them to get those and then on the way back we stopped at Burger King to eat and let the kids play. We had a good time. Jon Kent loves climbing in their little play place. Although he has to have someone go through it with him.. and since Kent isn't "flexible" that leaves yours truly.. It's a good thing that I don't mind small, tight spaces.. otherwise I would have been on the local 5 o'clock news. "This is Janet My Hair is too Big Lawson for NBC. We are reporting from Burger Kind on I-20 where a woman appears to be stuck with her first born child in the orange tube of death..." I can see it now.. by midnight tonight You Tube would have had a million hits of my bigness stuck in the orange tube.. But I digress...
We must have had a good time because Jon Kent is currently into his second hour of naptime. Zoey on the other hand has boycotted nap for the day. I think she is enjoying the attention. She is playing with her daddy as we speak.. singing "BOBBBBBBB the bilther" It's sweet.
Well, I guess I will get going! Have a great day everyone!