Sunday, February 15, 2004

Will I ever ovulate????

OK...I know I ovulate...but when actually during my cycle I ovulate...well that is a different story.  So egg has been released.  Or atleast not since this morning.  I'm hoping I ovulate before I see the doctor.  Seeing how that is what all the tests will be based on.  I go to the doctor let's pray that I lay an egg by then.  If not then me and my doctor will have to have a little talk.  I want to be put on clomid with a round progesterone.  If I don't get pregnant then I will stop the progesterone and start all over with the clomid the next cycle.  We'll just have to see.  Hopefully, these tests will provide us with the answers we need.  In the mean time...I continue to wait.  Which right now, is fine with me.  The drama of being pregnant isn't for me right now.  I want to fix what is wrong before I attempt to bring life into this world again.  If there is nothing wrong then I will just trust in God that He will take care of the next baby.  If there is something wrong, then I know God will provide for me in all the ways I need.  He knows exactly what He is that is where I am going to keep my trust.  Sometimes, it's hard to keep my faith in Him...but at the end of the day...I know that He is in control and with Him all things are possible.  He will provide as He sees fit.... 

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