Saturday, June 5, 2004

So I've decided...

OK not so much really decided...I'm still thinking.  I'm sorta in a situation that only a few people know about...nothing illegal...but in a situation where I just don't know what to do.  Everytime I think I know what to do with this "situation" I'm over come with doubts of if it's the right thing to do.  But for this situation IS there a RIGHT thing to do...


AND what if I do actually do something about it and it backfires on me?  THEN what?  UGH!  Life was just so much easier when my mom and dad made choices for me.  All I had to do was eat, sleep, and poop.  Ummm...I wonder if they would take me back?  Only if Kent could come too of course!  Anyway, I digress.... 

Are yall wondering what in the world I am talking about?  ME  I guess it will all work itself out...eventually...I guess.  Maybe I should just get my chicken butt up and actually do something about it.  But then I might regret doing something...or not doing enough.  I just don't want to be mean or hurtful.  Oh well....  I guess I haven't REALLY decided....


Anonymous said...

Good luck with your problem!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out. Yes, life was much much simpler when we could depend on our parents for everything. : )
