Tuesday, August 17, 2004

A Quiz

1.  What's the one impulse item you purchase most often?

Magazines or gum

2.  What was the last song you had stuck in your head and couldn't get rid of?

I think it was a song from a K-Mart commercial...forgot the name of it.

3.  What is your least favorite nickname?

Emalade...kinda like lemonade....

4.  When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A teacher...but my daddy told me not to be one...lol...funny seeing how he IS one!

5.  Where did you go on your first date?

Betty's BBQ...lol...real fancy!!!

6.  How many tries did it take to get your driver's license?


7.  If you could go see any event at the olympics, what would it be and why?

Umm gymnastics...or swimming...no...gymnastics...swimming...gymnastics...

8.  What's one thing your mom said to you growing up that you hope you'll never repeat to your kids?

"I am moma...hear me roar...in too big of numbers to ignore"...LOL...but knowing me I'll probably say it anyways...

9.  If you had a day off and $500 to spend, what would you do?

GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10.  Have you ever met anyone famous (details, please!)?

Not that I know of....umm I lead a boring life!

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