Saturday, September 11, 2004

We're Back!

Well, we are back!  We got down there on Tuesday to cloudy skies and red flags.  We still went out to the pool.  The pool was kinda dirty with leaves and twigs from where the winds blew so hard.  The resort we were staying at was like a ghost town.  No one was out of their rooms.  Wednesday the clouds cleared and the sun was out.  We had a good day of tanning and playing at the pool and on the beach.  Thursday was the same.  The red flags came down and the blues flags were up.  It was very pretty!  Friday we took a boat out to Shell Island and spent 4 hours on the water.  We went looking for shells and just played in the water.  Kent and I got up early this morning and headed back home.  We were both tired and just reading to get back in town.  The trip was all and all a good one.  It was nice to get away for a bit.  We also went to Lowes tonight and picked up a bath tub.  It should be put in sometime at the end of this month!  Well, that is all for now.  I'm seriously tired and just ready for bed!  Yall be good and I'll talk with yall later!!!


Anonymous said...

Welcome Back!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, glad you're back and had a good time.  I went to PC, a few years back and spent my birthday on Shell Island.  It was so desolate!  I was so depressed about my birthday, so it was the perfect gift from my husband to just be stranded all day on an island.

Hope you are feeling well.  The countdown to baby is prolly getting pretty exciting for you!