Thursday, January 6, 2005

Amazing....just amazing!!!

Well, it's been another good day with Jon Kent.  He was a little fussy this morning because he couldn't go poopie...LOL.  But he finally mastered that skill and it was all smiles after that!  LOL!  Anywho, I had Jon Kent in his swing and I was going to try and get some cleaning done, but he wasn't having it.  Everytime he couldn't see me, he would start to whine.  So, I picked him up and put him in the front carrier (it's kinda like a back pack instead it's in the front) and I cleaned house.  While I was vacuuming all the carpets, I looked down and he was ASLEEP!  I was amazed.  I knew babies didn't mind the sound of a vacuum but with him being right over it, I thought for sure it would keep him awake...but nope!!!  It must be like a lullaby to him because I cleaned so much while I was pregnant.  He must of thought he was back in the womb!!!  LOL!  I even washed dishes while he slept.  After all that, I woke him up so he could eat and now he is in his swing watching Baby Einstein.  He has just been a good boy all day long.  I hope he stays that way long enough for me to get a shower in before the day is done!!!  Well, that is all for now.  Yall be good and enjoy the pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

That boy of yours is a doll!  Glad things are going well.  Pamela

Anonymous said...

You know, babies do like the sound of vacuumes. I used to vacuume all the time when the girls would be sleeping, and sometimes if they were really fussy, I would hold them and vacuume....just one more reason that cleanliness is next to Godliness!!!! LOL....have a great one! ;o)

Anonymous said...

Vaccums cure colic.  Really.  Of course with my godson I learned massage theraphy techniques.  Austin has the same problem with poop. Sometimes he goes and sometimes he can't.  He's 2 now and I just wish that he would start using the potty.  JK is soooo gorgeous.  Enjoy it they grow up really fast.