Saturday, January 22, 2005



I do believe I have an ear infection.  I HATE, HATE, HATE getting them.  I swallow and it's like a sharp pain going from my ear down my neck.  UGH!  I have always had problems with ear infections and what not...but UGH, I never get used to it.  I am going to the doctor in another week for a blood pressure check up.  If I can stand it until then, I will ask him about it.  If not...I guess I will just make an extra trip to the doctor.  *sigh*

Kent and I are going out tonight...alone.  Woohoo!  My parents are keeping Jon Kent for us so we can have some "us" time.  I don't know what we are actually going to do.  I guess when Kent gets off we will decide then.  I'm looking forward to it.

Well, I need to go.  There are a sink full of bottles calling my name.  Yall be good and have a great Saturday!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww..I hope that ear infection clears up soon!!  They suck indeed!
That's nice that you and your bubby are going out just the two of you!  Have a great night!
