Sunday, January 9, 2005

Going to church....

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Breaks out the Camera::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Jon Kent is going to church for the first time today!!  Not that he will ever remember it, but I'll have pictures for him to look back on.  LOL!  I'm actually excited and ready to take him.  It's been over 8 weeks since I have been able to go to church, so it will be nice to get back into the swing of things.  I am not leaving him in the nursery though.  He is staying in *big church* with me.  I really don't want him in the nursery until he gets all his shots and what not.  Call me the *first time paranoid mommy* but that is just the way it will have to be!  Plus, the church that we are currently going to, we aren't *members* of it yet and I really don't know the people who keep the nursery, so it would be REALLY hard for me to just leave him with a bunch of strangers...know what I mean???  I'm hoping he acts *good*.  He is currently sleeping, so I hope he is a happy little baby come church time.

He slept fairly well last night.  I put in down at 9pm and he woke up at 1am.  Then I put him back down around 1:45am and he started waking up at like 3:30am so I went and rocked him back to sleep and then put him in the bed with me.  He slept until almost 6am.  I didn't sleep much once he was in the bed...between him and his daddy...they don't leave much room for me.  But it's long as he got some sleep, that's all that matters!

Well, I'm off to blow dry my hair and tend to my little man (he's waking up).  Yall be good...and have a great Sunday!!!


Anonymous said...

Hope JK does good in Church for you. H went to Church with me when C had her Christmas Program. H slept during the entire thing LOL.

Anonymous said...

Where is the picture?  Hope Jon Kent was good for you in church.  I remember those days....  funny thing is it's a lot easier to take them to church when they are babies than when they get older and can move on their own!  I don't blame you a bit for not putting him in the nursery.  Hope you have a great day, Pamela