Saturday, April 15, 2006

Happy Early Easter

Tomorrow is Easter and that means it will be a fairly busy day here, so I thought I would update tonight and let yall know what the plans are for us for Easter Sunday.

Kent unfortunately has to work from 7:30am-4pm.  So he will miss out on basically everything.  The kids and I will be getting up and going to church.  Then to an O_________ family function for lunch followed by an Easter egg hunt.  After that Kent will be getting off of work.  We will then go back to church and then out to eat afterwards.  Depending on when we get home from the family thing, Jon Kent and Zoey will get their Easter baskets.  I wanted Kent to be a part of it so we will wait until he gets off of work.  I hope to take some pictures of the kids in their outfits, but no promises as I will be getting two youngins ready on my own in the morning and then myself on top of that.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.  Remember the real reason we celebrate's not for the eggs or the chocolate bunnies.  It's because Jesus died on the cross and on the 3rd day rose from the dead to save us from our sins!

Have a great one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had a wonderful Easter, I know i did =)