Saturday, May 20, 2006

Don't Tease Me Summer!!

Finally, finally, finally!!!  It looks like summer has arrived.  Which I thought it had about 2 weeks ago but then the temps went down to the 60's and all my hopes of keeping the windows open and feeling a cool breeze went out the window.  But it looks like summer is here to stay.  The breeze is now a warm breeze which by June will turn into a hot breeze.  And being outside in the sun for more than 15 minutes makes my skin sizzle...which are all signs that summer is here to stay.  Please say it's so!!  I just LOVE summer!!  I can't wait to get to the beach...

In other news, my happy go lucky little girl has turned into a screaming, won't sleep, cranky little girl.  I guess she is teething.  Not really sure.  Her gums seem fine, not swollen or red.  But she just hasn't been my all smiles little girl lately.  Although today has been MUCH better than the past 2 or 3 days.  Hopefully my little perky monkey is coming back.

Jon Kent is cutting his last 2 teeth I believe.  He seems to be doing fine with it.  I can't believe that all his baby teeth will be in soon.  It seems like yesterday I was holding this tiny little 5lb 8oz little baby boy.  And now he is a wild, doesn't stop, talking up a storm, little toddler.  Pretty soon he will be starting school.  MAKE IT STOP!!!!!

I digress... <winks at my husband> Inside joke...

Well, I guess I will end here.  I'm hungry and Jon Kent will be up from his nap soon.  He is going to spend the night with my parents tonight so I need to go get his bags packed.  If only Zoey would take a bottle...maybe she could tag along too.  HA!  Zoey and bottle just don't go together.  Oh well.  Talk with yall later!


Anonymous said...

Nice journal.. I enjoy reading it.. you are on my alerts.. :) Mel

Anonymous said...

Enjoy these moments, they go by so very fast. My oldest son is 5 and I don't know how it happened, it seems like just yesterday he was my 9 lb 3 oz newborn!
Enjoy your time alone with Zoey. My youngest only had a bottle while in NICU until he was able to go to the breast and I never left him except over night with my husband until he was 20 months old, no way I could have been away from him longer than the 12 hrs I was away from him! I haven't spent a night away from my kids since then. Time goes by too quickly, and before we know it they'll be going off to college.

(We homeschool, so there's no "going off to school").

God Bless