Saturday, July 31, 2004

BB5: Project DNA (Do Not Assume)




Pictures courtesy of

I don't know if anyone else watches BB5 (Big Brother 5).  Surely there are others!  Anyway, the season for me started out rather slow and not very interesting.  But the more I watched the more I just had to see what happened next.  During the first few shows, two people found out they were brother and sister.  They had the same dad, but not the same mothers.  They never knew the other exsisted until the show started.  And the other twist is there are twins in the house.  Adria (who is from go girl) has a twin in the house also.  They swap places every day or so.  NONE of the other "houseguests" know of the swapping either.  It's been a really good show!  It comes on tonight at 9/8pm central.  If you haven't seen the show yet, the go to CBS.COM and get filled in.  They have a recap of all the shows AND you can get to know the houseguests and the ones who have already be evicted.  Plus, you can get a feel of the game and all the rules!  Yall enjoy!

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