Wednesday, July 14, 2004

*More Random Thoughts*

Nothing new to really talk about.  Just the same ol' same ol'.  Around 1:30 this morning we had a thunderstorm blow through that was kinda bad.  Kent and I both were asleep but this horrible sound came from outside and it almost sounded like our carport had been struck by lightening.  As far as I know it hadn't been, but lightening had to have hit something because that noise wasn't thunder.  Both of the cats were scared.  Kacie (the sweet one) was right up under me.  She had gotten as close to me as she could.  Sammie (the not so nice one) followed me into the bathroom and was under my feet.  When it thundered she ran and hid under the kitchen table.  She was so pitiful.  I finally went back to sleep but it was hard because I was so scared our house was going to get hit by lightening after hearing that previous sound...eeek!  But it didn't and I am still alive and kickin'.

I was reading another lady's journal just a while ago and she was talking about her mom.  It was really sweet how she wrote that her mom takes on a lot (i.e her mom takes care of her dying father and her grandmother who seems to be breaking a lot of bones here lately).  The lady writing was saying how people seem to dump a lot of stuff on her mom for no reason just because they know she will do it.  It's so sad.  So, I am going to take the opportunity right now to thank my mom for all she has done for me.  I'm starting to realize more and more as I come closer to being a mom myself just how much my mom did for me growing up and even now.  She came to all my "sporting events", softball, soccer, band competitions.  She cooked too many meals to count...even when she may not have wanted to.  She took me shopping for new school clothes.  She took me to get my driver's license.  My mom has done MANY things for me during my life that I don't thank her for.  So thank you moma for taking the time to deal with my mood swings or to just take me shopping or even now still cook me supper from time to time.  I know I don't say it enough, but I do love you and I do appreciate all the things that you have done for me during my childhood and even now into adulthood!

Well, that is all my random thoughts for today...  I think I might try laying out again today...ugh but it's soooo HOT.  90 degrees already and its not even lunch time....  Oh well....  Yall be good and I'll talk with yall later!!!


Anonymous said...

You are my very special answer to prayer and God gave me the opportunity to take care of you.  Would have liked for you to have been a bit more prissy but I really did enjoy watching you excel at sports.  You are my little all star.  God knew I needed a child like you.  Come on down to Florida so I can wait on you there.  And wear some of your NEW maternity tops!!!!!!!
I love you

Anonymous said...

That's really sweet.  I am a Mom myself, and it's wonderful when your kids say things like that.