Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Childbirth Classes are OVER!

We finished our childbirth course.  Tonight (or really yesterday) we went over infant care.  Changing the diapers, cleaning the cord, cleaning after circumcision (yes we are circumcising...so please no comments!  Nothing will change our minds), how to wrap the baby in a blanket, etc.  We learned some safety measures to take in certain situations.  It was very informative.  Now, that the classes are over with, I am ready for him to be here.  I don't know what is wrong with me...but I am ready to get him OUT and get my body back.  I guess it's just hormones or something, but UGH!!!  We still have so much to do though, so I guess it's good that it isn't time yet.  Hopefully, those things will get done soon. 

Well, we are going back to the beach in less than 2 weeks!  YAY!  I'm looking forward to it and I'm not looking forward to it.  Does that make sense?  I want to go, but I don't know how comfortable I will be.  I'll be almost 30 weeks when we go, so I may not "enjoy" it so much because of the heat and what not.  We'll see.  Hopefully, I will have a good time and so will all the other people who are going!

Today (8.25.04) I am 28 weeks pregnant.  Which takes me into my 3rd and final trimester.  ::::::Doing a happy dance:::::::  If you would have told me 6 or 7 months ago that I would be pregnant with a healthy pregnancy now I would have probably laughed at you and told you that you were crazy.  BUT here I am and all is well.  In fact, he is kicking me now...he must know I am talking about it.  Only 12 more weeks to go...but who's counting???

Well, that is all for now!  Sorry about the lack of updates lately.  I just haven't been in the mood to really sit down and type!  Maybe I will perk up soon!  Talk with yall later!!!


Anonymous said...

Emily, I can so relate to this entry.  I just peeked at your last post and realized we're even having our baby showers on the same day at the same time :o)

I'm right in the middle of childbirth classes, our second one is tonight.  I'm also circumcising...who knew it could be so controversial to make a decision for your own child :o)

And I still have days where I hope the baby comes soon and other days when I can just enjoy him in my tummy.  I'm at the 30 week mark today and I actually feel pretty good.  I do have my bad days though, and I mean bad (back hurts, feet hurt, hips hurt, etc).

12 more weeks for you, 10 more weeks for me...it's going to go by quickly!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad the time is almost here.  I know you will be so glad when we have Jon Kent in our arms.  It is a dream come true for me.  Your body is not so bad.  You just think it is.  It will all be over soon and we will enjoy a healthy baby boy who is already spoiled rotten.  Just wait until we can get our hands on him.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy yahoooo!  Make sure you enjoy this vacation....as it will be your last one alone.  But I'm sure it's ok...you've been waiting for your baby for a LONG time...he was loved before he was even concieved.  
CAn't wait to see more belly pics!!
