Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Trying to stir things up

Today was my "go ahead" day from Kent.  I was finally *allowed* to *try* and get things started with Jon Kent.  So I did!  We got up rather *early* (atleast for us) this morning (8:45am).  After eating breakfast and letting that settle, I headed over to Granny's house around 10:15am and hopped on the treadmill.  I walked, and walked, and walked, and walked.  An hour later I had walked 2.5 miles, burned 300 and some thing calories, and 100 fat calories.  But was I done????  OOOOOOH NO!  I came home and made a list of *Things to Do* and I did them...I did them ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!  What did I do exactly???  I'm so glad you asked...I dusted livingroom furniture, bedroom furniture, nursery furniture, pictures on the walls, heaters, and ceiling fans.  I vacuumed all the carpets in the house and all the furniture in the house.  I windex all the doors and mirrors in the house.  I cleaned the bathtub, sink, and toilet.  I cleaned the kitchen countertops, stove, sink, and table.  I swept all the floors.  I mopped all the floors.  And I washed 5 loads of clothes and the last load is currently drying.  I balanced the checkbook too.  And did it do ANYTHING?  Well, it could have but as far as contractions...nothing.  Well...a few...but nothing that is bigger than the ones I was having before.  So...what shall I do now???  Well, tomorrow I will walk some more.  I know he'll come when he is ready...I am just hoping he is ready soooooon!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you , i've been reading your journal since last january maybe when it was on the top 5 thing. Good Luck with everything! And a Happy Early Birthday to Jon Kent!