Saturday, November 20, 2004


Sleep...what's that?  <yawn>  Honestly, I knew we would never sleep like we did before Jon Kent got here.  But knowing and experiencing are two TOTALLY different things.  Once you realize that you will probably never sleep 4 hours straight can get to you.  Jon Kent has been doing pretty good though.  He usually has trouble going and getting to sleep but after his 2nd night feeding, he usually sleeps for about 3-4 hours straight.  Which is nice.  This morning he woke up at 6am and I feed and changed him.  I tried putting him back in his cradle but he just wasn't having it.  So I cuddled up with him in the bed and he slept til 10:30am!!!!  We were amazed.  I guess he just doesn't like to sleep alone.  He also got his second bath today.  He HATES taking baths though.  He cries and screams the whole entire time.  But goodness knows I love him.  He has so many different things about him that just make my heart melt.  The little faces he makes, or the way he pokes his lips out like he wants to kiss you....just soooo sweet!!!  Can you tell I'm one proud mommy!?!?!?!

Yesterday, Kent, Jon Kent, and myself went to the doctor to see about my blood pressure.  It was still running in the hundreds (bottom number).  So, we go and as soon as he put Jon Kent in his car seat he was out like a light.  And he didn't wake up until we took him out of his car seat over 2 hours later!!!  Anywho, we got to the doctor and I had to give a urine sample and it came back with a lot of protein in my unrine which meant my blood pressure had been high for a while.  They then take my blood pressure and sure enough it was still running high.  Well, I go in and talk with my doctor who puts me on some medicine to get it down.  I have to take it 3 times a day for a week then 2 times a day for another week and then 1 time a day for another week.  They have to slowly wean me off of it so that my blood pressure will remain down.  Hopefully when I completely come off of it, I will be able to get back to a regular exercise routine which will also help with the blood pressure.  Here's hoping anyways.  The only side effect that I don't like is that it makes me VERY VERY VERY sleepy.  Like I'm not sleepy enough as it is!! Oh well!  Atleast I can still breastfeed while on it.  Which is what we were most worried about. 

Anyway, that is all for today.  I have got some more pictures of Jon Kent but I need to put them on the computer.  Things have been way too busy for me to really sit down and do that.  Hopefully soon though!  Well, I will talk with yall later!!!  Bye and WARRRRRRRRRRRRR EAGLE, HEY!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!  :D  I read your journal and have commented before to you.  Not sure if you remember, but congratuations.  I haven't seen the pictures yet, but I am reading these last ones backwards from last post to older.  I'm sure he is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh,we went through the same thing with my sister's little one.  When he was in the hospital,after he was born,we didn't know that he didn't sleep.  She breastfed him for 3 days but he was to uncoperative. Anyway,we were up til midnight every night and now he's 2 and he STILL doesn't sleep!!  He cries,he wakes up and walks around and wants to play.  Anyway,hang in there.  It gets easier,then it gets hard,then it gets harder and I've heard around the time they are up and out of the house it gets easier again.