Friday, March 19, 2004

Here Kitty, Kitty

Kaice (my youngest furbaby, cat) is presently at the vet.  Poor thing.  Somehow she got her tail basically torn off at the tip.  I noticed yesterday that her tail looked funny and I bent down to look and you could see the flesh of her tail.  It was quite gross.  Anyway, we called the vet and they told us to bring her in today.  So that is where Kent is at right now.  I'll update more on her condition whenever I know more.

Today I went over to my parent's house to chat with them for a bit and while I was over there I left my lights on (I don't know why they were on to begin with...).  Anyway, I go to start my car and my battery is dead.  Thankfully my daddy was there to jump it off and on my way I went.  I then came home and layed out in the sun for about 40 minutes and then had some lunch and then layed out another 40 minutes.  I guess I got some sun.  I can't really tell though.  Today has been perfect.  I have the windows up and the ceiling fans going.  The sky was blue with hardly any clouds and the sun was shining.  The temp. was like 78 so it was perfect for tanning!  Well, for the most part that was my day.  I'll talk with yall later!!


Anonymous said...

Send some of that sunshine my way! I woke up this morning and it was cold and snowing! I cannot wait until winter is over!

Anonymous said...

I definitely need a tan... I'm so white! :) Usually, if I go out in the sun for long periods of time I burn, peel, and then turn white again. You've inspired me to try to get a tan! ;)