Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Howdy All!

          Old Navy                                 mexico_fl_md_wht.gif

Well, today was good.  Kent and I went out and we had a good time.  We went to OLD NAVY and looked around.  I ended up getting a t-shirt and some capri PJ pants.  I think Kent got two t-shirts.  We then went and ate some Mexican food.  It was by all means gross!!!!  I barely ate anything.  I don't think we will be going there anytime soon!  All in all today was a good day for an anniversary!!

The weather was so pretty today.  The sky was blue and the sun was just a shining.  The temp. wasn't too cold or too hot.  It was just right.  I hope it stays this pretty for awhile!  I'm hoping in the next week or so I can get my planting done.  We'll just have to see how it goes.  I'm having a yard sale April 3rd so I hope the weather will be pretty for it.  I still have a ton of stuff to do for that as well.  So much to do.....

Well, that is all for now!  I'll talk with yall later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary to you and Kent, sounds like you had a nice day. :)
The weather was awful here today. It was raining when I woke up and it's been cloudy all day. I love it when the weather is like it was for you today! :) God bless, Katie.