Monday, March 22, 2004

What a LONG day!!!


Man....could my day get any longer???  It started off at 7:30 in the morning with Kent hitting the snooze button...which was nice.  Then Kent took Kacie back to the vet to get checked out.  Thankfully...for now...she doesn't have to have 3 inches of her tail removed.  But we do have to watch it for awhile and put medicine on it twice a day.  Anyway, Kent went to Wally World to get some new tires put on my car and found out that one of my back tires had a nail in it...UGH!!!  So then he comes home and we get ready to go to B'ham to go to the doctor.  Well, on the way to B'ham Kent is going 73 in a 65 and gets pulled over....I personally thought it was funny, but Kent...umm not so much.  Kent casually told the trooper that he was in "law enforcement" too and he got off with a warning.  Well, we arrive in B'ham at 2:15 and we wait.....and we wait......and wait......and wait some more.....finally at about 3:30 we are called back to see the doctor.  The whole reason we went was for Kent's diabetes.  So then we get back in the little room and the nurse comes in and does her thing.  And then the doctor comes in and asks a whole bunch of questions and then tells Kent to take all his clothes off except his undies and he would be right back.  So we wait.....and wait.....and wait....and wait.....and wait some more...well about 45 minutes later the doctor comes back in and does an exam and adjusts Kent's insulin.  Then hands him a slip of paper to get lab....which is two floors down.  So we go to the lab...and wait....Kent gets his blood taken and we are out at around 5:30ish....3 hours in one place...CRAZY!!!!  So now we are home...whew...and that was my day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate it when doctors make you wait forever! Ya just feel like walking out, or saying something that you'll regret after so long...I have been in that situation before, and it sucks! Happy to hear that your cat is doing good!!