Monday, November 22, 2004

He's a week old =(

My baby is growing up. *sniff, sniff*  He turned a week old today.  We went to the doctor's today for his one week check up.  Since he was so small when he was born (5 lbs. 8 oz), they wanted to make sure he was growing and getting enough to eat.  So, we went today and they weighed him and he weighed in at 6lbs and 2oz.  I was so proud of my little piglet!  The doctor was really amazed at his growth and she said she was very pleased!  While she was doing the rest of the check up, Jon Kent peed on the table and it almost got on her.  It was funny!  Anyway, we go back in another week to see how he is doing.

Today has been a pretty good day.  Tiring but good.  Jon Kent only woke up once during the night.  So we all slept from 12 midnight to about 5am, then Jon Kent woke up and I fed and changed him, then we all went back to sleep until about 9:30am before he woke back up.  So, last night was a really good night.  Once we got up, I put Jon Kent in his swing and got a lot of cleaning done.  I dusted and vacuumed the bedroom, living room, and Jon Kent's room.  I put in a load of laundry and cleaned the kitchen up a bit.  It felt good to clean!  After that I hopped in the shower.  After getting out I gave Jon Kent a bath and then fed him.  Then off to the doctor's we went.  I was amazed at all that was done.  Espeically since Kent was at his own doctor's appointment for most of the time I was doing all this. 

Anyway, I need to go.  A little cat nap calls my name!  I hope everyone is having or had a great day!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad little Jon Kent's doing so well.  The peeing thing happens a lot with little boys.  (As I'm sure you know.)  My brother's girlfriend didn't and one time she gave my godson a bath.  She took his diaper off and I wasn't paying attention.  Well,he gets up runs into the livingroom and procedes to pee on the hardwood floor.  I guess you just had to be there.  Get as many naps as you can because you'll need'em.  Enjoy him because you're absolutely right. They do grow up fast!!