Monday, January 15, 2007

I guess it's time for an update..

Well if that's not stating the obvious..

Not a whole lot going on in the past week.  Jon Kent and Zoey both seem to be over their colds.  Zoey had a slight relapse for a day or two but that seems to be gone now too.  They are both sleeping through the night now.. YESSSSS!!!!!!!!  Zoey will wake up but usually all I have to do is pat her on the back and she will gp right back out.  Zoey is also down to one nursing a day now.  And that's the before bedtime feeding.  So I am hoping in the next month that it too will be gone and we will be able to close that chapter in our lives.  She has been doing great with the weaning though.  Taking it with ease mostly.  It helps that with each disappearing feeding I give her about a month to adjust before taking another one way.  So it's been going well.  Once she is completely weaned, I am getting on some form of birth control.  We are just too fertile to risk it any other way.. lol.

Tomorrow Jon Kent goes for a hair cut.  And boy does he need it.  The last time we went the hair stylist didn't cut off as much as I would have liked, so this time we are making sure more comes off.  He is looking pretty shaggy right now!  I also have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning.. ::grumbles::  It's just for a cleaning, but still.. I just don't want to go.

And lastly.. lol.. Today I was on my way home from visiting with my parents.  I stopped by McDonald's to grab the kids a happy meal.  We were coming down this street and I was telling Zoey to wake up.  She had fallen asleep and I wanted to get her awake so she could eat lunch.  Anyway, I wasn't paying attention to how fast I was going and I popped over a hill and there sat a cop.  I knew right then he was going to pull me over.  So I turn onto the road that I live on and sure enough, he turns on his lights.  I pull over and wait for him to get all my information.  I then said "Well, dang".  To which Jon Kent starts DYING laughing.  The cop comes up to my window and gets my license and insurance info.  After he goes back to his car Jon Kent's say "Peece, peece!".  I said, "Yes baby that is the police."  He then starts laughing and cracking up.  I told him it wasn't funny...

I got off with a warning and a lecture on going the speed limit.  I told him I appreciated it and then went on my way.

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