Thursday, June 1, 2006

Happy June!!!

And so half of the year is already coming to an end!  This year has FLOWN by!!  I cannot believe that Zoey will be 6 months old tomorrow...SIX MONTHS!!!  Where has the time gone???  She is growing and developing so quickly that before I know it I will be planning her 1st Birthday!!  ACK!!

There's not a lot going on in June for us.  I believe Zoey and Kent have doctor appointments some time this month.  I have a hair appointment (just trimming it...plan on donating it when it gets long enough), and then there is Father's Day.  So we aren't busy this month...thank goodness.  Last month was full of stuff to do!

I put some pictures in of the kids.  Jon Kent likes to climb on his bed.  Such a big bed for such a little  And Jon Kent and Zoey had their first bath together where Zoey could actually sit on her own.  I just threw them in there so I could wash the sunscreen off of them.  Zoey is still getting her baths in the sink in her baby tub.  But she is just about too big for it now though.  I believe she is at least 19 pounds by now if not 20.  We are having to move her into a bigger car seat because she has just about out grown her infant carrier.  That means she will inherit her brother's and he will be getting one that goes to a 100 pounds.  My babies are growing up on me...sniff, sniff.

Well, I will go now.  Enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your little kiddos are SO, SO CUTE!!  You can tell Jon Kent is a little stinker climbing up on his headboard.  How funny!  Ya'll take care!