Monday, June 19, 2006

Just Life

Boy has it been a week....  Whew!!

Jon Kent has had a cold since Tuesday of last week.  It started with a little runny nose, then coughing, then he woke up one morning horse, then the runny nose turned into a river of snot...  You get the picture.  Zoey decided to also play the cold game and got one as well.  Although hers didn't get as bad as Jon Kent's.  In fact she is basically over hers while Jon Kent is still coughing and still has a runny nose from time to time.  I guess my breast milk helped with that.  But we are all on the mend so that is good.

Wednesday night while flossing (never going to floss again....OK, maybe that's not true but...whatever) I had a filling to fall out.  I have NEVER had a filling to fall out before so I was kind of freaked.  First thing the next morning I call the dentist and they get me in to have a temporary put in since they "don't do walk in fillings".  Anyway, I get there and the nurse comes in and asked what I am in for.  I tell her that I had a filling to fall out.  She says and I quote, "Oh, you want us to pull the tooth for you?".  Uhhhh no...  Let's see...  I'm 23 years teeth are in good condition but ya know I always wanted to do the bubba teeth why not...PULL IT! :::sarcasm:::  I looked at that lady like she had two heads.  "No...I just want you to fill it back in."  So the dentist comes in and puts in a temporary one and sets up an appointment to come in Monday (today) to get a permanent one done.  So that's what I did.  Now I am "complete" again.  I have a wicked ulcer in my mouth though.  So I haven't been able to eat too well nor really talk a lot.  Which Kent is probably LOVING the talking part.  It seems like it is taking it forever to heal up though.  I've had it for like a week now.  Oh hum...  Me and my mouth troubles...  ;0)

Three weeks and counting until we go to the beach!  Woohoo!!!  I can't wait!  I hope the kids do well on the trip down and that we all just have fun.  I am trying not to put any expectations on this trip.  Because I know with kids you just can't predict what will happen.  So I am just hoping we just have a reasonably good time and if we get a few laughs then it will be a success!

Well, I will be going now.  Sorry for the lack of updating lately.  But I am sure yall understand with the kids being sick and all.  Talk with yall later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope Jon Kent and Zoey are feeling better.  Nicholas is sick too.  His started with a runny nose that turned to a river of snot, like Jon Kent.  Gross I know.  I have tried a few different over the counter medicines but nothing seems to be working. I was wondering what you were giving Jon Kent for his cold and if it is helping him. ? Did you have to take him to the doctor?  COuld you please email me and let me know ...sorry for all the questions.  

I hate going to the dentist.  LOL at you looking at the lady as if she had 2 heads. Thats funny!!  What was she thinking asking you if you wanted your tooth pulled.
Why would anyone want to get a tooth pulled if they didnt have too?!

I hate mouth ulcers. they can be so painful.  When I get one.... it takes forever to go away.  Hopefully yours will go away soon and then you can go back to Talking Kents ear off.  J/K  LOL