Tuesday, June 6, 2006

News, news and more news

Today is an election day here in the great state of Alabama.  It's just the primaries but the campaign ads have really gotten nasty.  Well, at least the ones in my district have been.  Thankfully though they are in a different party than I am so I don't have to worry about voting against one of them until November.  They, in my opinion, are both crooks.  But aren't all politicians???

Anyway, as many of you probably already have realized or at least seen on the news, today is June 6, 2006...6.6.06.  I heard on the news last night that a lot of pregnant women were trying to get induced before the day approached or trying everything in their power NOT to have their baby today.  Now that's a change of events.  For a pregnant woman who is about to pop NOT want to give birth.  But I can't really blame them.  I wouldn't want my child born on today either.  Even if is just a coincidence of the numbers...but I don't believe in coincidences either...

Zoey is trying to pull up into a standing position.  She can already stand alone while holding on to something.  But she gets careless and ends up falling.  But today Jon Kent was in the kitchen playing with his cars (rolling them around and such) so I took the opportunity to get some cleaning done in the kitchen.  So I sat Zoey inside a clothes basket with some toys so that she could be in the kitchen with us and if she happened to lose her balance she wouldn't slam into the hard floor.  Anyway, as you can see in the pictures above her brother just had to join her.  They played so well together.  After Jon Kent got out though, Zoey thought she would try too.  So she started trying to pull herself up using the sides.  She almost did a couple of times too.  That's how Jon Kent learned to pull himself up, using the clothes basket.  I guess she is trying to follow in her brother's foot steps.

Kent had to work today.  Today is one of his usual off days, but they gave him Sunday, Monday off instead.  He had some sort of training to do today.  So my week is off so far.  I keep thinking it's Wednesday.  I really wish he were home...I miss having him with me during the day...

Well, I am off.  I think Zoey is trying to wake her from her nap.. Talk with yall later!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aaaahhh, I love the pictures you always share of the babies.  They are growing more and more everyday.  I dont always leave comments but I do always read your journal.   I mentioned you in my last journal entry.
Have a great day
Big Hugs,