Friday, March 2, 2007

Wagon Trail

Today the Wagon Trail Train came by our house.  They do every year around this time.  There is a story behind it all, but sadly I don't remember it.  Something along the lines of they are following the same route that the settlers took long ago.. something like that.. lol.  Anyway, I took some pictures of the kids watching it.  So enjoy!


And a sick update..  Kent is all better.  However, Kent's grandparents both got the bug, Kent's brother and sister and both of my parents.  It really hit us hard!  Hopefully by the end of the weekend everyone will be well and I won't have to keep dodging them with the kids!  LOL.  Enjoy your weekend everyone!


Anonymous said...

hope you all stay healthy for the rest of the winter and spring.
that must have been neat watching the wagon train.

Anonymous said...

I bet the kids were so happy and excited to see the horses!!  Cute pj's!! hehe

Sorry to hear about the bug going around!!  Spring is almost here, so hopefully it'll be gone for good soon!
