Saturday, August 19, 2006

The First Night Away

Jon Kent was 3 months and 5 days old when he first spent the night away from home.  I was going through some seriously bad postpartum depression (PPD) and needed the break.  However with Zoey I didn't have PPD (thank goodness) and she has been a great nurser so it was just easier to have her at home.  Not to mention she wouldn't have anything to do with a bottle until about 3 weeks ago.  Well, last night she finally tagged along with her brother to my parents' house.  And she did fine.  Slept ALL night in fact (first time EVER...go figure).  She took all her bottles, ate all her baby food, and had a good time playing.  Kent and I got a whole night alone (new baby in 9 months maybe.......ummm no).  We ate, shopped, had Starbucks, went to bed late, etc.  I got to sleep in -although I really didn't sleep late.  My body was just so used to getting up early.  But it was nice to just lay in bed for a bit- alone.  It was nice.  But by the time we went back to my parents' house I was aching to hold my babies.  And as I walked into the door what does Zoey say?  Only her first word- Momma.  But I was so busy grabbing Jon Kent, who by the way was actually running towards me in excitement, that I didn't hear it...<pouts>  She will say it again though, that I am sure.  She is also trying to walk.  Took like 2 steps tonight walking from my daddy to me.  It seems like she just grew up on me over night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww - I'm glad you had a nice night!!!!  She will say "momma" again!!!  Better her first word be momma and you miss it than have it be something else and you hear it lol!  At least you know you are still #1!!!!  That's amazing she is already taking steps!!!  You do have some early walkers!!!