Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hopefully the *cold* war is over...

FINALLY, it seems as though Jon Kent's and my colds are finally over.  We still have the sniffles and a cough here and there, but nothing compared to what we were dealing with.  I absolutely hate having a cold in the summer time.  It's already hard enough to breathe some days with the humidity but add on a cold and it's down right miserable.  Jon Kent didn't sleep well for almost a week.  So that was loads of fun.  Not to mention he is cutting teeth during all of this.  He seems to be cutting at least 2 teeth if not 4 teeth.  So cutting teeth and having a cold is a recipe for misery.  But to look back now, it just made Jon Kent and me bond a little closer.  He got extra snuggle time and we took naps together.  He made me learn some new patience (which I am sure I will need for his teenage years) and have more compassion.  Which are two things I seriously lack (hangs head in shame).  So anyway, we are both doing much, much better!  And to throw a little praise towards my hubby.  He was wonderful to Jon Kent and me this whole past week that we have been sick.  I have to say he is definitely the cream of the crop!  It made me love and appreciate him even more.  Working hard at his job and then coming home and being the nurse and housekeeper was more than I could have ever asked for.  He is such a wonderful husband and daddy!  Well, I am off to wash clothes and finish cleaning the house!!  Yall have a great day and enjoy the pictures!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

aww..he is soo cute!!!