Wednesday, May 4, 2005

1/4 of the way there

I hit the 10 week mark today in my pregnancy.  The BIG 1-0.  LOL.  Only 30 more weeks to go.  Only 3 more weeks to go until I am into my 2nd trimester.  In a way, it's going by faster this time.  I guess it's because I don't think about it as much because I have Jon Kent to keep me busy.  Which is a good thing.  That was the worst part of my last pregnancy, was feeling like the week would never end.  And that my doctor's appointments seems like an eternity away.  Hopefully, things will keep going quickly.  And before I know it, it will be November again.

Not much to really talk about.  Just hanging around the house.  Tonight is Kent's last night to work for this week.  Then he has two days off.  Woohoo!  The nights seem longer when he is at work.  Plus, I hate being at home by myself at night.  Yes, I am still afraid of the dark, to a point.  =P  Oh well.  There's not much that I can do about it.  I seriously doubt the federal government gives a rip about what I think.

Well, I am gone.  My tummy is that means I'm hungry...DUH!  Now the task of finding something that I ACTUALLY WANT to eat.  Later yall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that your lil one keeps you busy that you don't feel like time is going by slow for ya!  I know what you mean feels like it takes forever for my next appt to happen!  