Thursday, May 25, 2006

Memorial Day Plans?

So what are yall doing for Memorial Day weekend??

Kent has to work Saturday and Sunday but he is off Monday (one of his usual off days).  We never really do anything for the weekend.  Just for the actual day.  Kent's parents have a pool and such, so we are going over there and grilling out and swimming.  Some of Kent's immediate family will be there as well.  It's usually a good time.

My Momma did mention something about having a get together with my side of the family.  But nothing has been mentioned since.  So we will have to see how that pans out.  If they do decide to do something, it will be quite a busy day for us.  Maybe the kids will sleep good that night though.

Kent and I took Jon Kent and Zoey swimming Tuesday afternoon.  Jon Kent wasn't really thrilled about the water though.  I think I still have hand and foot prints on my arms and hips.  He was OK as long as we were near the edge of the pool.  And he loved sitting on the deck and throwing things into the water.  But once he got into the water he turned into a hip baby for sure.  But he started warming up to it towards the end.  And then yesterday we were over at Kent's parents' house and he wanted to get into the pool.  But 1) he didn't have his swim suit on and 2) it was nap time.  So maybe today we will get in.  It just take so much time to put the sun screen on, put the swimming diaper on, put the swim suit on and then go out there and swim for 15-20 minutes before they are tired of it.  Thirty minutes to get everyone dressed and 20 minutes of actual playtime... 

Well, I guess I better end this here.  I need to go put down all the chairs from mopping before my little ones wake up from their naps.  Talk with yall later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I will be
Only 4 i may be able to
sneak some funtime into my schedule =)
Hope you have a great weekend, you'll have
to get some pics of the kiddos cute!