Thursday, February 10, 2005

*~*La La La*~*

Well, it's Thursday and that means another work out day for me.  Can you tell that I look forward to my work outs???  Call me a nerd, but I will sit around and *map out* all the things I plan to do during my work out in my head.  I just love doing it so much.  I hope that I don't get burnt out on it though.  Hopefully not.  Because it is the one constant thing that I can do a few times a week to refresh myself as a mother and person. 

Jon Kent is sleeping.  Has been for quite awhile now.  He woke up at 7:45am and we played in the floor for about 30 minutes, then I gave him a bottle and he took about half of it (3oz) and then he went to sleep (and so did I) for about an hour.  Then he woke back up long enough to take another 3oz and back to sleep he went and that was an hour ago.  I guess he is going through a growth spurt.  In any event, it is giving me some *playtime* so I'm not complaining.

Well, I'm off to get some more things done around the house.  Yall have a great Thursday!!!

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