Friday, February 18, 2005


:::::Bangs head against computer screen:::::

All I can say is this:  1am looks just like 2am and 2am looks just like 3am and 3am looks just like 4am and 4am looks just like 5am...

Jon Kent was at it again last night.  From midnight til 5am he was up every hour or every half hour.  Why???  Well, as flattered as I was, it was because he wanted to be held by me.  As soon as I would scoop him out of his crib he would be asleep before I could even sit down and rock him.  So I would rock him for a few minutes and put him back in his bed.  Only to be up in less than an hour or so later.  *sigh*  Honestly, as much sleep as I missed, I know I'm building a bond with my son.  And that is worth all the sleepless nights in the world.

His second night in his crib (sniff, sniff) he slept almost 8 hours!  I was like YESSSSS!!!  Hoping it was the beginning of him sleeping longer.  But the next night he was up every 2 hours or so and then last night...well you have already read about that.  I *thought* that feeding him cereal (per doctor orders because of his reflux) would keep him full longer and thus sleep longer.  WRONG!  The irony of all this is...he's asleep right now.

Yesterday I worked out.  And today I am really feeling it.  I walked a mile before my weight lifting and then a mile afterwards.  I burned like 200 calories and really got a good work out in all.  But I am sore today.  Oh's worth it to look skinny again!

Well, there are things to be done around here.  I hope yall have a good Friday (it is Friday isn't it??) and a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww...I know what you mean by lack of sleep (for different reasons of course) But you are right, you are forming a never ending bond with your son that is worth every sleepless night!