Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Happy Groundhog's Day

Happy Groundhog's Day!!!!  The *offical* groundhog saw it's shadow today, so we all know what that means...6 more weeks of winter.  But the *local* one where I live, didn't see his Spring is just around the corner!  I hope so!!!

Jon Kent has a low grade fever.  But he is acting fine.  So I am just going to watch him for a bit and hopefully it will go away soon.  He seems to be doing fine though.  Swinging in his swing as we speak....babbling to himself.  It's such a sweet sound!

My hubby has training this week at his work and he got to come home for lunch.  It was a really nice surprise!  I just wanted to let yall know that I have a very thoughtful and loving husband. 

Well, I'm off.  I hope yall enjoy the *random pictures* that I took today!


Anonymous said...

I hope Jon Kent isn't getting sick. Well, if all his signs point to feeling well, that is a great sign!  Love the pics!!


Anonymous said...

He's such a cutie :-)  Pamela

Anonymous said...

Glad your BP is better.  Cute nursery, I am officially off of my medicine now so I can start planning for a pregnancy!  Woo-hoo!

Have a blessed weekend!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes when babies start teething they can run a low grade fever.  The best thing to do is strip him down,get him nice and comfy and just watch him.  If he likes baths give him one,if he likes listening to stories read to him,if he likes hearing songs sing.  It'll all make him feel better and don't worry if he cries.  Babies cry....lots.  My godson is 2 1/2 and he's getting his 2 year old mollars and I think I hear more crying then anything else.  If he's acting okay the odds are he is okay.  Just check on him while he's asleep and stuff to make sure he's all right.  You're doing great!!  -Dawn-