Sunday, February 6, 2005


Is it possible???  Could Jon Kent REALLY be teething???  'Fraid so.  Or atleast I think so.  Today Jon Kent was just perfect.  He cooed, laughed, smile, etc.  Well, around 6:30pm he just started screaming and I mean SCREAMING.  We did everything under the sun to get the poor baby to calm down.  I stripped him down to his birthday suit and he still wasn't having it.  I gave him a bath...and he LOVES his baths.....not this time.  He was screaming bloody murder.  I tried rocking him, Kent tried, my momma and daddy both tried and nothing.  Finally I rocked him to sleep but it wasn't a sound asleep.  I rubbed my finger in his mouth and sure enough I felt a little "pointy" thing in his gums.  So I run my finger around to the other side of his gums and it was smooth on that side.  So I am thinking he is teething.  It seems too soon though.  He will be 3 months old in 9 days.  I've heard of babies being born with teeth...but still it seems a little soon.  Anyway, Kent went and got Jon Kent same teething tablets and some other stuff to put on his teeth.  The tablets have seemed to help.  We'll see how it does.  In other news about Jon Kent...we put him on cereal...per his doctor's orders.  It's mixed in with his formula.  Because his reflux still isn't under control.  He got his first bottle of it tonight.  He really seemed to like it.  I'm going to start him out on it slowly though.  That way it doesn't mess up his "bowel movements" too much or at all.  Maybe two bottles a day starting out.  We'll see.

So who watched the Super Bowl???  I did.  Well, parts of it anyways.  In the mist of a crying baby...I caught most of the commericals.  Which is the only reason I really watch it to begin with.  Can you believe though that it cost those companies 2.4 million dollars just to air a 30 second commerical??  That is crazy stuff!  I thought the half time show was really good.  I know a lot of people will say that it was really G-rated...but it should be.  It should be a "fun for the FAMILY" half time show and that is exactly what it was.  I thought the crowd really got into it and that always makes it better.

Anyway, enough with my rambling.  I think I will head to bed while the baby is still in a good sleep!  Yall have a great night and a great week!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes,it's possible that he's all ready cutting teeth.  I know it seems a bit upsetting but it's really going to get easier.  There are lots of things you can do for him.  Baby Tylenol will work and as he gets older by a tube of baby toothgel.  It'll work.  If he wants when he's older you can give him popsicles too.  (Another trick is a softer teething ring and you put it in the freezer for him.)  Oh,and if you're Portuguese or interesting in trying the traditions of other ethnic groups you owe Jon Kent a pair of walking shoes because you found his first tooth.  :)  -Dawn-