Thursday, October 4, 2007

1, 2, 3, 4 weeks and counting

I went today for my 14th week check-up.  I gained 1.5 pounds over the past 4 weeks.  So that puts my grand total to 4.5 pounds.  All my lab stuff came back fine.  My blood pressure was slightly elevated but the doctor said that I should worry about it unless it continues to be that way past the 20 week mark.  He said it could just be my hormones.  So we are just going to keep an eye on things for awhile.  Hopefully it's nothing.  Anyway, we listened to the heartbeat and it was in the 160's so that was great.  I go back in 4 weeks for another appointment and to have another ultrasound.  Hopefully the baby will work with us and we will be able to see what s/he is.  That date is set for November 1st.  Well, that's my update.  So let the countdown begin.  Four weeks and counting!

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