Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Break from the Chronicles

We are still on the potty train, but I'm going to try and wait until the day is complete to actually update.  But for a sneak preview, he has done well so far today.  No accidents.

I'm fall cleaning this week.  So far it's going pretty slowly.  I've got all the closets cleaned out and straightened.  I still have to go through the kids' toys and weed out the younger toys to make room for toys they are sure to get for their birthdays and Christmas.  I have washed all the windows and base boards and wiped down all the doors.  And that's it.  The rest of the cleaning is my basic cleaning just a little bit more detailed.  Sounds fun doesn't it!?!?!

Today I am 15 weeks pregnant.  I'll take a picture next week to show you my growth, or better yet the baby's growth.  Over the past couple of days I have seemed to "pop".  So the next picture should be a big difference from the last.

Well, that's it for now.  I hope to be around tonight with a great report on my little potty trainer!

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