Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Nathan's Check-up

Nathan had his 1 month check-up yesterday.  Even though it was 2 days early.  Anyway, he weighed 11 pounds and 7 ounces.  Little pig.  He is is 21 5/8 inches long.  He is in the 50th percentile for his height and he was off the charts for his weight.  =D  Mama's milk is agreeing well with him, even though his reflux may not always agree.  The pediatrician upped his dosage of his Zantac (reflux meds) because of his weight gain.  BUT she took one dosage out.  So he is getting 2 doses a day now instead of 3.  She said since his weight was great and we haven't had many bad days of throwing up, that she thinks he will do fine on the 2 doses but we can up it back up to 3 if we need to.  So far he has done well.  Maybe this is a path to weaning him off of it sooner rather than later.  Nathan also had to have one shot.  And boy is he cranky today.  Whew.  Cranky, cranky, cranky.  He didn't let me put him down all morning.  I finally got a break when he was just totally out a little after noon.  Whew.  Anyway, we go back for his 2 month check-up in June.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH MY what a CUTE picture...that cutie pie sure does look a lot like his daddy! lol  Love seeing pics of the kids..they are just so cute!  You guys make um cute thats all I have to say ;)  Glad to hear Nathan is doing better and hope he is able to be weaned off very soon.  One less thing for you to worry about!