Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ooooh.. just get over it.

Kent, Nathan and myself went to Kent's doctor appointment this afternoon.  I was in the waiting area (a huge open room with lots of different areas of waiting for different types of doctors, etc.) with Nathan.  He was sleeping in my arms and was getting restless so I knew he was getting hungry.  So I got the blanket out and threw it over me and started to nurse.  Then I make eye contact with this lady, who "subtly" was pointing at me to her friend.  Then her friend gives me this look, like WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!!?!?  I just stared at both of them until they put their heads back into their books.  But they both continued to look to see if I was still nursing Nathan.  I'm like get over it people.  My baby is hungry and I'm not showing a thing.  As we were leaving we walked right past them and I pointed at them to Kent and told him to meet my audience.


Anonymous said...

Ha I love that you stared back at them!  I think it's awesome when women do's such a natural thing and you would NORMALLY give them a bottle if the baby was hungry why not let them breast feed!  NO different.  I'm glad you didn't let them bother  you and kept on feeding him.  I bet you gave them something to talk about when they got home lol.  

Anonymous said...

That'd been the moment I'd have just said forget the blanket and uncovered! The one nice thing in Germany is the only reason they give you odd looks is because American's often use a cover up (blanket, etc) when nursing...they just don't care. I rarely use a cover with Emma when out in public, but still make sure I'm covered in all the right area's for my own comfort. People are IGNORANT and that's what those women come down to, it's their own issue.

Anonymous said...

That parting comment was too funny!    Did they hear you call them your audience?

Anonymous said...

I will never understand why people...especially women...have a problem with nursing in public.  It is the healthiest choice for feeding a newborn.  My son is 15 now but I fed him when he was hungry...which once happened to be at a Celtics/Pacers game.  It can be discreetly done and no one should care.  I applaud you for choosing to breastfeed!


Anonymous said...

Some people @@.  Good for you.  I usually just stare right back at them until they look away.  It doesn't bother me nearly as much with my 2nd baby as it did with Rylie.  It was all so new then, but now, I don't give a rat's arse who is too nosey & rude to mind their own business! ;-)