Sunday, May 18, 2008


Lately with Jon Kent becoming more and more aware of his surroundings we are having to deal with him saying things that aren't appropriate.. at least not in this house.  Shut-up being one of those things.  We first told him that we just don't say that.  That it's not nice and if you want to tell someone to quit talking (Zoey) to tell them to be quiet or hush or shhhhh.  Of course, that doesn't go over well because, "Lion King says it".  Well since Lion King says it.... @@ (eye rolls).  So we tell him that big people can say that but even then it's not nice.  -Yeah we like to confuse our kids around here-  So Jon Kent thinks on this for awhile and I thought the subject had been dropped.  A few days later we are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast and he says, "I'm going to eat all my waffles so I can grow up and be big!".  I applaud his genius idea and we continue to eat.  He then chimes in and say, "Then after I eat and get big I can say shut-up!"



Anonymous said...

lololol...thats funny!


Anonymous said...

bright little boy I must say.  We really don't have to worry much about that, tho.  He eats very little so he won't grow up too much

Anonymous said...

LOL!  He sure is one to figure things out quickly :)
too cute.


Anonymous said...

LOL well you have to say the kid is a genius!  lol  My nic says "stupid" all the time...we were trying to figure out where he was getting that and at grandma's he's watching Spongebob and on there we here BOB calling Patrick stupid!  HUH  you can never win when there is tv involved!