Thursday, February 21, 2008

34 week appointment and belly shot

I am 34 weeks and 1 day pregnant.  I went in for my 34 week appointment today and it all went fairly well.  I lost a pound since two weeks ago, my iron was good, urine was good, blood pressure was good, I was measuring right on for 34 weeks and Nathan's heart rate was good (127 bpm).  The doctor asked how I was feeling and I told him good except for these braxton hicks that I am having pretty much everyday.  He asked how often and I told him that I could have a handful one day and the next day I could have 5-6 in a 90 minute period.  He got a little look of concern on his face.  He asked if any of my others were born early and I told him that Jon Kent was born at 39 weeks via induction because of high blood pressure issues with me and that Zoey was born 2 days late.  So no real pattern there.  He said that when I come back for my 36 week visit that while they do the group strep B test that he will go ahead and check me then to see if I've started dilating.  Then at my 38 week visit we will talk about a possible induction before I hit the 40 week mark.  He said that the conditions would have to be favorable to do an induction and all of that.  Which I'm pretty mixed on the idea of induction.  I just don't want to pull Nathan before he's ripe, if you know what I mean.  I don't want to go in there and my labor stall and then have to end up with a c-section.  Which all these concerns will be addressed when we talk about it.  That's still 4 weeks away so I'm not going to worry myself about it until it's time.  So I go back in 2 weeks and then after that I start my weekly visits.


Anonymous said...

Oh ya I so agree with you!  AND going natural vs induction is SO much easier!  A lot less pain.  Hope it all goes well for you!  

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hope it all goes well...I am anxious to see little Nathan....I was induced with Scott...and you see how he turned out...well...maybe a bad example...LOL...:)   :/

Aunt KK