Friday, May 30, 2008

I'm dying

I swear if I didn't know better, I would think I was dying.  This pain has just gotten worse.  And my only relief is to sit down, hunch over to my left side and pray.  I am telling you.. this pain is flat out unrelenting.  Even the pain medicine isn't touching it.  I don't know what to do.  I feel so out of control and so helpless.  I feel like the worse mother in the world because I can't even play with the kids.  It took me forever to get from the living room to the bathroom to help Jon Kent wipe his butt (graphic.. whatever).  He kept saying, "Mommmmmaaaaaa!!!  IIIIII pooooopppppiiieeeed!"  I would tell him I was coming but by the time I got half way there he was saying it all over again.  THEN earlier this morning he wanted to poopie on the "big potty" because the "little potty is Zoey's now" and he had his underwear around his ankles but couldn't get on the seat.  He was doing the I've got to go, it's about to come out dance by the time I got there.  UGH.  And to say I feel all alone is an understatement, but we won't get into those details because it does no good.  My family (in laws included) have been a good help and I appreciate it, but it's not them I need.  So whatever.  Nonetheless, hopefully at 2pm I'll get some answers and hopefully a timeline of when all this will be over and I can get back into the swings of my normal life.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are going to the dr.   I just don't think you should be in that much pain.    They need to get you looked at pronto.   They don't want me to have to come down there.     (You DO need help with the children right now...)

Anonymous said...

Gosh - I hope you're able to get in to the dr. soon!  That sounds horrible.

Anonymous said...

oh doll...I really hope they can do something quickly.
You definitely need a hand with the little ones... lifting is especially hard because of the area that hurts.

You take care~

Anonymous said...

You need to go to the ER girl....hope you feel beeter soon!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I had these pains in NOV... I know the pain!!!!  
Hope you feel better soon!


Anonymous said...

Glad your feeling better now (read your other entry first) and are in the hospital getting the care you need.  Prayers are with you!