Friday, August 8, 2008

I.. like.. totally forgot

Yesterday was Nathan's 4 month birthday.  With all the excitement of Zoey's crazy acts at the dentist office, I completely forgot to put it into my journal.  Maybe he won't hold it against when he is older. ;o)

I got the kids into a local "Mommy's Day Out" program.  It's on Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30-3.  We'll see if it pans out though.  I'm so afraid of Jon Kent getting hysterical when it's time for me to leave.  They both seem really excited about it.  I think I'm the one dreading it the most.  I mean I want them to go and I'm looking forward to having those two days to just be with Nathan and to get things done around here.. but at the same time I've never done this before.  It's just always been us and if anyone kept them it was family.. not strangers.  I don't know.  I know several people who use the same daycare and they like it so we'll just have to see.  I'm going to and get the kids some back packs and nap sacks sometime this weekend.  Off to "school" they go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sure he will forgive you. :)  Now if it was his 4th birthday that might be another issue! :) lol

Hope you have a great day!
