Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Nathan's 4 Month Check-up

We went today for his 4 month appointment (6 days late...).  He weighed 18 lbs, 3 oz (90th %); 25.5 inches (75th %); 17in (50th, I think, %) for head.  He got his shots and all that.  Said we could start him on cereal, yellow or orange veggies, etc.  She said to start feeding Nathan with a spoon and I was like "hmmm ok...?"  She thought I had been giving him cereal in a bottle since he was getting so big.. LOL.  I was like he is just breastfed we haven't even started any type of foods.  She was like, "Oh, well good because I was going to tell you to stop putting it in his bottles." LOL  He is just a big chunk of baby loving, all on mommy's milk!  We go back in 2 months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HEY THERE!  I wanted to stop by to say hi and thanks for all your visits and prayers over at my journal!  It means a lot to me :D  I missed your journal and I will go back and catch up in case I missed something.  I will leave a day out for catching up on journals.  I usually read about 10 regularly and of course I have about 40 in my alerts but there is no way I will get to all.  I will just catch up on my regulars :D  Can't miss any info on yours babies!  I hope all is well in your family...sounds like Nathan is getting so big :D  What a sweetie.  Ya IMO I wouldnt even feed him anything until he's at least 5 mos's so hard on their tummy yet :(  I never fed my kids anything until they were 6 mos!  LOL  I tried earlier but they always ended up getting gas and were so crabby.  He seems to be getting what he needs from you.