Saturday, December 29, 2007

Date Night with the Hubs

Kent and I had a date night last night.  First one we've had in awhile.  So it was nice.  Kent's grandparents kept the kids for us and they spent the night with them as well.  We really didn't do too much or anything special.  We went to Target and looked over their baby selection.  We were looking for Nathan a carseat since the one Jon Kent and Zoey used has seen its better days.  We didn't find one in the store that we liked but they do have one on their web site that I am going to get him.  We also got Nathan like 3 sleepers, a shirt and pant set, some onesies, pappies (pacis), a diaper bag and then some attachments to go with my breast pump.  Oh and a new boppy cover.  Then we headed over to the mall to grab something to eat.  We ate and talked and then walked around.  We stopped in the Gap and grabbed Nathan some more clothes.  He got like 2 or 3 shirts and a sleeper.  They were all on the sales rack so we got it all pretty cheap.  I love, love, love Gap baby clothes.  They are all so soft and comfy feeling.  They had a lot of other cute things but I know once their summer stuff comes in they will put all that other stuff on sale.  So I'm waiting for them to do that before I buy him some more spring type things.  After getting the clothes from Gap we went to watch a movie.  We went to see "I Am Legend".  Let me say this about that movie.  It's a good movie as far as the story line goes and all that.  But it is VERY suspenseful.  Like by the end of the movie your whole body will hurt from being tense the whole entire time.  Even Kent jumped several times and even yelled out once.  I was so tense the entire time that if someone on the movie even slammed a door I would jump.  I'm not a fan of those types of movies though.  Give me a love drama over that any day!  After the movie we headed over to Books-A-Million to get a book Kent has been tracking down for months now.  We finally found it.  Then we headed home.  We both slept in this morning (til 8:30am.. that is sleeping in for us.. lol).  Then we went outside and started cleaning out our storage building.  Then around 10am I went to get the kids.  They are both home now and sleeping.  After they get up we will probably eat some lunch and then play outside.  It's nice and sunny out and only slightly chilly.  It's been a good weekend thus far.  I'm enjoying it since it's the first weekend that hasn't been packed with things that have to be done or places to go to.  Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good weekend as well.

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