Monday, December 3, 2007

The kids' yearly check ups

I wish there was a tired for mood...  Because I'm tired!!!  The kids had their yearly check ups today.  The appointment was at 10:15am and the doctor is an hour away.  And we got back to the house at 1:30pm.. so that should tell you how long and drawn out this was..

Jon Kent first:  He weighed 32 pounds.  Which puts in the lower 50% for his age group (skinny).  He is 36 inches tall.  Which puts him in the lower 25% for his age group (short).  His blood pressure was good and his eyes and ears checked out well.  His heart sounded good and his lungs sounded clear.  The doctor told me to up his milk intake to 16 oz. and see if that will add some meat to his bones.  If not, well I'm not going to worry about it.  He does eat and he eats a variety of foods, just not all the time.  Plus he is very, very active.  I was skinny when I was little, bony even and so was Kent so I'm not going to worry about it too much unless it just becomes a larger concern.  Otherwise he is a healthy and happy three year old.  Oh and no shots!

Zoey next: She weighed 29 pounds.  Which puts her in the higher 75% for her age (chunky).  She is 34 inches tall.  Which also puts her in the higher 75% for her age (tall).  Her ears, eyes, heart, lungs all checked out fine.  The doctor told me to decrease her milk intake to only 16 oz a day (she loves, loves, loves milk) and to try and get her to take more water.  Well see how that goes.  If she takes to the less milk fine, if not.. we'll try again later.  Again she loves milk and eats regularly.  She is very active and I know eventually she will balance out.  She has always been "healthy" so I'm also not too concerned with her weight for the moment.  If she were lazy or inactive I would worry more but she likes to play just as much as her bubbaZoey also has eczema (sp?) on her body (Jon Kent has always had it on his face) so we are going to switch body washes and see if that makes a difference.  So Zoey is a healthy and happy two year old.  She did have to have one shot.  She cried but was over it fairly quickly.

Unless one of the becomes sick we don't have to go back until their next birthdays. 

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