Tuesday, September 21, 2004


<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>HAPPY FALL<*><*><*><*><*><*><*><*>


YAY!  It's offically Fall!  As of 12am September 22, it is Fall!!!  Woohoo!!  I'm so ready for the cooler weather to get here.  For the past few days, the weather here has been really nice.  Not too hot, not to cold.  Just right.  But it's starting to heat up again and the humidity is returning.  But hopefully not for long.  I love it when the days get cooler and you can open all the windows in your house.  Especially on Saturdays, when you can put a pot of chilli or strew on and have it cooking all day and sit down that evening and watch a good football game.  Umm now that is what I call FALL!!!  Hopefully, the cooler weather isn't too far away!!!!  Anyway, HAPPY FALL EVERYONE!!!!



Graphics courtesy of:Thanksgiving and Fall graphics & animations by Lamb's Grafix

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fall is the best season!!
