Wednesday, September 1, 2004

I'm ready for Fall....Bathroom woes...


I am soooo ready for Fall.  I am ready to do Fall decorations and to put mums out.  PLUS, I am soooooo ready to feel that fall breeze...mmmm.  I just love fall.  I always have.  It's soooo nice to have all the windows up, the doors open and a football game on the TV.  That is what I think about when I think of fall.  I can't wait.  I don't plan on doing too much fall decorations though this year.  Usually I do the whole hay stack in the front yard thing, but this year I'm just going to decorate my front porch.  It would be too much trouble to deal with since my belly is already getting in the way of a lot I don't want to have to be dealing with all that when I am about ready to pop!  So, just the front porch it is!

So, we are pratically redoing our bathroom.  We were just getting a bath tub.  THEN it went from that to...getting a bathtub and moving the toilet to a different wall, covering up a window, possibly moving the sink, and redoing the floor.  Ahh...will it ever get done?  Of course it will...but right now it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel...but it'll get done.  THEN (crossing fingers) maybe just maybe the nursery will get done!  UGH...I swear that nursery has caused me more stress...  I'll just be glad when it's done...finished...

Onto other friend Lesli found out today that she is having a GIRL!  YAY for her!!!!  I can't wait to see her.  I bet she'll be a cutie!

Well, that is all from the home front!  Yall be good and enjoy your Thursday!!!!

Graphic from: Thanksgiving and Fall graphics & animations by Lamb's Grafix


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fall is by far the best season!!  I started putting fall decor up already!!  I'm guilty!! hehe  Now we just need the temps to go along with it!!
