Monday, September 20, 2004

Why am I soooo ILL???

OK...I just don't understand it!  I am sooo ill.  Why?  Umm good question!  I honestly have no reason to be ill, but here I sit...ill.  I have been fine all day.  Kent and I were able to spend the whole day together and we had a really great time just running errands, doing stuff around the house, and he even went over to his Granny's with me while I walked on the treadmill.  I just don't understand it.  It all started when I was home tonight alone watching 7th Heaven.  Kent's mom called and was asking me a bunch of questions about the car seat I had picked out on my registery.  I couldn't really answer her questions because I didn't know the answer.  Then she said something about getting a lower interest rate for our loan that we took our for our new car.  I told her I would have to ask Kent because he deals with all of that.  Then after I got off the phone with her my daddy called.  He was wondering about the tub and if we had figured out who we were getting to put it in.  I kinda (sorry daddy!) took my frustrations out on him.  Now, I feel really bad about that.  Still don't know why I was ill to begin I have a headache.  Hmmph....  AND Kent has to go into work tonight and work the morning watch...grrrr.  I feel so awful...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love, Aunt KK