Friday, November 12, 2004

I'm in the Christmas shopping mood...

I am really in the Christmas shopping mood.  I just want to go out to the mall and shop, shop, shop.  It would also benefit me by having to walk from shop to shop.  Maybe get things going with Jon Kent.  Since it seems like he is nice and snug in there.  Anyway, I have sooo many ideas on gifts.  It's just getting out there and doing it now.  The weather is perfect for shopping too.  It's cool but not COLD.  I would love to just take a whole day and shop.  But Kent isn't into that sort of stuff so it's hard to just leave the house with him here.  I want to spend as much time with him as I can before he goes to'll end up shopping alone after he leaves for work one of these days.  *sigh*

Tonight I am going over to my parent's house.  Once Kent leaves for work I am going to hop in the shower and get ready.  I have no idea what we will do.  I need to be shopping for Kent's Christmas.  I have no idea what to get him.  And he won't tell me what he wants...  "I don't know...  I haven't really thought about."  MEN!!!!!!  He knows what I want...but I have no idea what he will be getting me.  He'll probably wait until like the day before Christmas to get it though.  But I love him!!!

Anyway, Kent is out of the shower so I am off to find something to do until he goes into work.  I'll talk with yall later!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well if that does not make Jon Kent come nothing will! Glad you are having a fun nite!