Sunday, November 7, 2004


Happy Sunday to everyone!!!  It's been a fairly busy day today.  After not getting a lot of sleep last night (maybe 4 hours all together) it was REALLY hard for me to get up this morning.  It seemed like every time I would drift off to sleep I would wake back up and go potty.  I was getting pretty upset when I realized that it about time for the alarm to go off and I felt like I had hardly slept. *sigh*  Anyway, when I did wake up this morning my stomach was hurting.  The thought of eating anything just made me sick and it didn't matter what I did, my stomach just kept hurting.  It finally went away right before we went to church.  After church, I had a baby shower to go to.  It was from 2-4pm.  My friend got a lot of stuff.  It was really a good turn out!  Now, I am just sitting here trying to think of something to do.  I may take a nap or something.  My eyes are already heavy.  I'm hoping this week goes by fairly quickly.  There are a few things going on this week.  Tomorrow, Kent said something about going to the mall and watching a movie.  Tuesday I have a doctor's appointment.  Friday is Kent's grandfather's birthday.  And Saturday Auburn is playing Georgia which is a pretty important game.  Hopefully the week will go by and the next thing we know...Jon Kent will be here.  At the most (fingers crossed) only 15 more days.  We shall see!  Anyway, I am off to find a comfortable spot on the couch!  I'll talk with yall later!!!

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